the minister of The Interior Gérald Darmanin has refuted that Tuesday, like its predecessors, the term “police violence”, believing that before the commission of laws of the national Assembly that the police exercised violence is legitimate”. “When I hear the word “police violence” I personally suffocating me,” said the minister of the Interior.

“The police exercise a form of violence but violence that is legitimate. (…) It must do so proportionally, it should do so in the box. Few people do outside of the rules of professional conduct, the sanction must be immediate”, he added. “But it is normal that the police and gendarmes are armed, to intervene by force, that force remains the law of the Republic and not that of the bands or communities,” according to him.

Read also EXCLUSIVE VIDEO. Police violence : Amadou Koume, the forgotten victims

“the keys to the solution, (…) this is the keychain of the minister of national Education”

To the minister, the term “police violence” is “paradoxical”. “There may be excesses, that we must punish, and I think that the government assents to and if he does not, the press, trade unions, parliamentarians remind the police hierarchy, to the minister of the Interior, what he must do, and this is legitimate”, he estimated. Holding that “the crisis of authority comes from far away”, Gérald Darmanin believes that “the key to the solution, (…) this is the keychain of the minister of national Education”.

“When we take care of kindergarten children, I am sure that in the end the police has a little less work. I’m not angelic, there will always be people who, in spite of a good education, will be violent, will be the traffickers and he will punish them. But it is obvious that when we have a few words of vocabulary, when one has not had the authority when I was a child, that one is excused on any and at any time, it was a crisis of authority when it was 15, 20, 25 years,” according to him.

also Read “The police are less trained and less supervised than before”

“The minister of national Education and the credits are very important as it grants him and the politics that are pursued will allow the minister of the Interior in 15 or 20 years of having a little less work”. The “police violence” have been regularly denounced during the demonstrations of the “yellow vests” and more recently at marches in tribute to Adama Traore and Cedric Chouviat, who died in intervention of the forces of order.