After that, the IfW estimates Boysen-Economist Jens-Hogrefe, the additional expense in the current year to 30 billion euros of 2021 on 20 billion euros. The reasons for this, among other things, a significant rise in unemployment and additional expenditure.

writes on How to FOCUS more, expected to Christiane Schönefeld, chief financial officer of the Federal employment Agency (BA), alone in your authority with a deficit of 4.7 billion euros this year. Schönefeld said the FOCUS, instead of the contribution to the unemployment insurance increase to pay the Federal corresponding grants to the BA. (Display)

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Deputy Chairman of The CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag, Carsten Linnemann, supports the claim. The FOCUS Linnemann said, the burden of the employer and the employee with social security contributions should not rise above 40 per cent.

rules for unemployment benefits in Germany claim

Who wants to get in Germany, unemployment benefit (ALG I), must satisfy three requirements:

  • to be unemployed.
  • in person at the employment Agency as unemployed.
  • have reported in the past two years, a minimum of twelve months in an insurance duty ratio (e.g., an insurable employment) stood (qualifying period)

level of support

The amount of unemployment benefit is usually determined according to the previously achieved level of contributory income from work. As the basis of the individual’s average contributory Gross earnings of the last year is used. From the year-gross pay prior to unemployment, the average daily gross is determined (annual gross salary divided by days are entitled to remuneration for work in the last year). This so-called daily rated fee will be reduced by lump sum deductions (e.g. social security or the payroll tax).

a job loser without a child, 60 percent, and with the child 67 percent.


Silke Maier, 36 years old, unemployed since 01.09.2019, tax class I, no child

annual gross pay in the last year: 25,000 Euro

Euro 25,000: 365 days a year = 68,49 EUR daily rated remuneration (gross)

Minus the lump sum deductions for wage tax (6,46€), the solidarity surcharge (EUR 0.35), social insurance flat rate (20% = 13,70 Euro) remains a performance fee of 47,98 Euro.

60 percent of which are 28,79 EUR on the day and 863,70 Euro in the month, as much as ALG I and Mrs. Maier receives.

How long will be paid-in ALG I?

That depends on at what age a person becomes unemployed and for how long, he was previously employed as a worker. You will have worked within a period of two years for twelve months subject to compulsory insurance, you will receive support for six months paid. If you were employed within the last five years is longer than twelve months, it can extend your entitlement to ALG I on for up to twelve months. Who is not yet 50 years old, benefits from the unemployment benefit to a maximum of a year

What II is ALG?

With the unemployment money II – better known as “Hartz IV” – to the unemployed, to lead a life that corresponds to the Dignity of the human person. The official term for the performance is “basic security for job seekers”. In Germany, there are approximately 5.6 million Hartz IV recipients.

These sets of rules apply since January 2020

a change to 2019 in brackets

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