for Many years, Mary-Hoc teacher of the churches in the mountain. 30 years ago you died. Home researcher Inge Bortenschlager recalls

mountain churches – 30 years Ago, the many years of mountain Kirchner teacher Mary Hoc at the age of 78 years died in Dachau. From 1956 to 1977, she taught as a senior teacher, the first and second classes. Among her students, former mayor Simon Landmann and Hubert Eberl.

home researcher Inge Bortenschlager has a long-standing friendship with the living in Pakistan and daughter, Christine, who has recorded the life of her mother and references to the location and time history making:

Maria Hoc, nee Himmer, was on 22. January, 1912 born in české budějovice in the Czech Republic. As a young teacher, she went to Carpathian Russia, a part of Czechoslovakia, where she taught at a German school, and by the way learning Russian. In Friedberg/Sudetenland, she married at the age of 26 her husband Anton Hoc. There they lived until the expulsion.

In the old town of Schongau the couple was born the son of a new place to Stay. In the camp school where the mother taught the refugee children were born to the two daughters.

In 1956, the move to the mountain churches was held in a spacious teacher’s apartment in the school house. Until her Retirement in 1977, under Maria-Hoc established.

With the retirement of the now-widowed head-teacher had to leave the apartment, moved to Dachau and died there in June 1990.

Hubert Eberl, as a former student recalls: “I was enrolled in school in 1965. Woman Hoc was the class teacher for today is unimaginable, but at the time, the usual number of 60 pupils. The work, by always Write a class with any of these tasks (Of….) was busy. In my memory, wife-Hoc was for all subjects, there were as reading, Writing, Arithmetic and music. Religion under the pastor taught. I initially had some problems with her because I was too shy, and especially to quietly have a talk. According to a “parents ‘ conversation” I have adjusted myself and got on quite well with Mrs-Hoc basis. Saturday was then all the rage in the last hour will always be ’fairy tales’, but only if we were good. I have been pleased at least. Woman Hoc could tell a tale quite nice.“

Inge Bortenschlager went with the younger sister Elisabeth in a class, but was good with Christl, who as a young woman with her husband for a time in mountain churches lived before you went with him to Pakistan. The contact does not crack. Maria-Hoc and her daughter Elizabeth have found their last resting place on the mountain Kirchner cemetery.

There is a reference to the home researcher: Inge braid Schlager husband, Josef Bortenschlager, came with 25 years ago as a young teacher to the mountain churches, and women’s Hoc liked him right away,“ says the native researcher. INGRID KOCH