This would brake the spread of the Coronavirus, informed the UNDP on Thursday. The monthly necessary sum for 2.7 billion Affected in 132 developing countries would amount to a minimum of 199 billion dollars (170 billion euros), the UN-calculation.

basic income should be granted to people who earn their living, often in the informal economy, and in spite of the health risks can not afford to stay at home. Of the money you could buy food and medicines as well as medical and education costs to pay.

basic income would be cheaper than the fight against Corona effects

“Unprecedented times call for unprecedented social and economic measures. The introduction of a temporary basic income for the poorest people in the world has as an Option. This seemed to be just a few months ago to be impossible,“ said UNDP chief Achim Steiner. Specifically, 1.07 billion benefit “the poor” and 1.71 billion “vulnerable” people:

  • 168 to 218 million people in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia
  • 378 to 521 million people in Latin America, the Caribbean, East Asia and the Pacific Region
  • up to 787 million people in sub-Saharan Africa and in South Asia.

Would be granted the basic income for six months, that would only account for twelve percent of the total spending for the fight against the effects of the pandemic were already expected for 2020, the result of the report with the title “Temporary basic income: protection of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries”.

debt standstill for developing countries to basic income. Finance

The measures were the development of Agency, that is urgently necessary and feasible So the money from the debt repayment in the developing and emerging countries could be diverted. The great content, Check (display)

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“developing countries and emerging economies will spend according to official data, this year, 3.1 trillion dollars for the repayment of debt,” says the UNDP. “The UN Secretary-General is required by the comprehensive debt standstill for all developing countries would enable the countries, these funds temporarily in emergency measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19-crisis convert.”

Specifically, the experts have in mind three ways in which the money could be distributed:

  • A lump-sum Transfer of 5.50 dollars per day, which is the same in all countries uniformly.
  • Monthly payments that increase the income at a minimum rate, which is above the poverty line. So, for example, would be in a country where the poverty line is $ 1.90 per day, the minimum rate of 3.20 dollars per day.
  • Monthly payments in the amount of half of the average income of a country.

probably The greatest challenge in implementing the Plan, according to the experts, is that many of the people who are to benefit from the basic income, are not officially registered and sometimes not even a Bank account. This could be through cell phone accounts resolved, which are already used in many of the States affected by the majority of the population.

Togo and Spain, already the first steps in the direction of a basic income

Some countries have taken according to the report, has already taken steps for the introduction of a basic income. So Togo have allocated approximately 19.5 million Euro, the monthly expenditure in utilities, in particular for women working in the informal sector. Spain will give in addition, approximately 250 million Euro grants for low-income families.

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