Cars can become very hot, especially in summer: If a vehicle is parked in the sun for a longer period of time, so-called heat build-up occurs – for this reason, no living being (neither human nor animal) should be left in a stationary car. But continuing the journey is also torture as long as the air conditioning has not yet cooled down the interior temperatures. This makes it all the more sensible to install sun protection. In order to find out which model helps best against heat build-up, the ADAC technical center in Landsberg am Lech tested different accessories on seven vehicles. Below we will tell you what conclusion the engineers came to.

A note in advance: When purchasing, make sure that the appropriate sun protection is tailored to your car. Here, too, there are different sizes that are not equally suitable for every vehicle.

You have the option of tinting the side windows and rear window of your car to reduce heat build-up. According to the ADAC, the desired effect is only slight, to be more precise, the interior temperatures only fall by two degrees, but the surface temperature on the back seat should decrease noticeably: “Without window tinting it is 57 degrees, with tinting it is only 48 degrees.” However, it is important for you to know that there are certain regulations associated with window tinting. You can find out exactly which ones here.

According to the study by the ADAC Technical Center, half-garages offer the best sun protection for the car. This is a large tarpaulin that is stretched around the vehicle so that all the windows are covered. During the test phase, it was found that the interior had “only” heated up to 43 degrees after installation – ten degrees less than a car that has no sun protection at all.

However, attaching the sun visor had a rather minor effect: a sun protection for the windshield that is attached from the inside. After all, the temperature inside the vehicle was reduced by four degrees – so there is nothing wrong with the installation, even if the difference to a car without sun protection is hardly noticeable. The ADAC also points out that the effect only occurs if the cover sits completely on the windshield. “This is often not the case and therefore the effect is even smaller.”

In addition to the semi-garage, the sun protection film – according to the German Automobile Club e. V. – represents a satisfactory solution: In contrast to the sun visor, the sun protection is attached to the outside of the windshield. This is intended to reflect the sun’s rays so that the interior of the vehicle (especially the dashboard and seats) cannot heat up as much. According to the study, the air temperature in the test vehicle was eight degrees “colder” than that in a car without sun protection.

And two more tips at the end: Due to direct sunlight, the fittings and the steering wheel heat up so much (up to 70 degrees are possible) that you can burn yourself if they come into contact with your skin. For this reason, the ADAC recommends installing sun protection – or covering both to reduce the surface temperature. It is also advisable not to leave sensitive devices (such as your smartphone) in the car when it is parked in the sun.

Source: ADAC

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