For the fight against the Corona of economic crisis will call for the EU Commission’s new revenue from taxes and duties for the European Union. To help to Finance the several Hundred billion-dollar programme for the economic recovery. This information is the “Financial Times” confirmed the German press Agency on Tuesday by multiple sources. Specifically, it deals with a possible extension of the European emissions trading system, a digital tax or a plastic tax.

the EU Commission, head of Ursula von der Leyen wants to present on Wednesday with their much-anticipated Corona-re-construction plan, linked with the next seven-year EU Budget. Last week, Germany and France had proposed that the EU Commission should take 500 billion euros in credit and grants to crisis countries and sectors assigned. The debt is to be repaid over decades from the EU Budget together.

the advance of von der Leyen

Von der Leyen plans, so much is known, a similar attempt: Also, you want to record several Hundred billion euros on the capital market – the exact sum, the Commission held until the last lock – and for the most part, in the form of grants for investment to the economic recovery awarded. This will simultaneously give a boost for a greener and digitized economy. The new revenue should help the common debt to pay off.

However, opposition from Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden is coming – called the “Thrifty Four”. You want to work together to distribute the loans only as Credit support, would have to be paid by the beneficiaries. However, Denmark and Austria indicate, in the meantime, compromise will.

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The German Minister of state for Europe Michael Roth rejected the concept of the “Thrifty Four”. “We can provide not only loans,” said the SPD politician. The CDU foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen said the “Passauer Neue Presse”: “It is not a solution, countries such as Spain and Italy, the Central financial is a political Problem, too high of a debt, new debt, but an aggravation of the Situation. Therefore, it is a provocation.”

The Federal government had refused until recently, credit has been financed on the money as grants to hand out. In the face of the historic economic collapse, Chancellor Angela Merkel changed her Position. Background the concern for the cohesion of the EU, but also the fear that the EU could get the internal market in the wrong location. The EU partners, impoverishing the German economy is losing markets.

special role for Merkel

Since Germany is at 1. July for the six-month presidency of the EU-States, is Merkel a special role in Overcoming the crisis. Left-Europe politician Martin Schirdewan praised the u-turn by the CDU politician. “This is a spectacular political manoeuvre,” said Schirdewan. The presidency was “your Chance to define your Europe political legacy”.

at the beginning of the pandemic had been accused by several countries of the Federal Republic of a lack of solidarity, and above all Italy. Meanwhile, the special votes come from there, as well as from Greece. The Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis said image-TV that he had great respect for Angela Merkel. They consider the current situation as a “Moment, of the legacy of the European Union will determine”

Steinmeier: “Rarely has a crisis, so clearly, what for a community of fate, we in the EU are”

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke on the telephone on Tuesday with fellow Italian Sergio Mattarella and stressed then: “Rarely has a crisis, so clearly, what for a community of fate, we in the EU are.” The German-French Initiative is an essential Signal.

Behind the German-French Plan, the President of Parliament of Germany and France, Wolfgang Schaeuble and Richard Ferrand, presented on Tuesday. “Germany and France should learn from the crisis and, together, as a Chance of new dynamics within the European Union,” they wrote in a joint statement.

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