Tic-Tac. The deadline for the declaration of income by 2020 approach. If the schedule has been somewhat disrupted due to the outbreak of coronavirus, tens of millions of taxpayers still do not have it carried out, said on Thursday the minister of the public Accounts Gérald Darmanin. “We are already 15 million taxpayers who have télédéclaré” their revenue and “there are still tens of millions of taxpayers” who have not yet fulfilled this obligation, has detailed the minister on France 2. They still have a week to be able to do it. 12 million of taxpayers have also benefited from the declaration automatic, introduced for the first time this year for those who do not need to make rectification.

because of the epidemic of Covid-19, the government extended this year’s deadline to make his statement. The inhabitants of the departments 1 to 19 have until tonight midnight, Parisians, for example, have until June 11, and those who are doing a paper return, until 12 June, recalled Gérald Darmanin. The online declaration is mandatory, except if the household does not have access to the Internet, or if you do not feel able to do so.

Read also Coignard – Macron, the ISF and the curse of the tape

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