on Tuesday released analysis of the insurance, Swiss Life, according to women between the ages of 21 and 30 years of age due to cancer are more than twice as likely to be unable to work like people of the same age, between 31 and 40 years, even three Times as often. The cause, therefore, is that women are comparatively often of breast cancer.

For men, the percentage of cancer is increasing as a cause of disability in later years, such as the one in Garching near Munich-based German subsidiary of the company announced.

unable to work due to cancer Between 31 and 40 years of age difference is greatest

The Swiss insurance company has examined, what are the main causes for disability in the case of your customers are responsible. is In young women up to 30 cancer, therefore, has a share of nine percent of their male peers, in contrast, only four per cent. Between 31 and 40 years, this difference is even greater: 5 percent for men, 15 percent are women. Breast cancer is not a death sentence! Our PDF guide shows you the possibilities of different therapy, and explains the chances and risks.To the PDF guide

The Swiss Life market, according to the company, in the case of occupational disability insurance in Germany, the share of seven per cent, were evaluated, the data of the past ten years.

Only mental illness still has frequent reason for Sick leave

The General Association of the insurance industry (GDV) similar to the findings from the surveys of its member companies: Regardless of the age of cancer in 2018, was for more than one-fifth – nearly 22 percent – of the women the main cause of disability. In men, compared to 16 per cent. Cancer in both sexes in second place behind mental illness. Display Here, you can find the optimal disability insurance!

each Year about half a Million people in Germany are diagnosed with malignant tumors. The fear of the disease is still large: In a survey by the opinion research Institute YouGov on behalf of Swiss Life, 60 percent of the 2000 respondents said that they had prior to cancer-specific fear. Colorectal cancer prevention: a physician explains how to prevent early right provisions, FOCUS Online/Wochit colorectal cancer: a physician explains how early right provisions, a woman has early breast cancer – a new vaccine cures the disease PCP woman has early breast cancer – a novel vaccine to cure the disease
