According to an expert analysis, the prices for heating, electricity and refueling are currently around 41 percent above the pre-crisis level at the beginning of 2021. For the calculation, the comparison portal Verivox used a three-person model household with an annual heat requirement of 20,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) as the basis. with an electricity consumption of 4000 kWh and an annual driving distance of 13,300 kilometers. This average household currently has to spend 1,534 euros more on energy than in February 2021, as reported by the Funke media group, which had the analysis.

Electricity, fuel and heating currently cost the model household 5,306 euros per year. In February 2021 it was 3,772 euros for the same amount of energy. The increase is 41 percent. The sharp increase in energy prices began in 2021 after the corona pandemic, caused by bottlenecks in the oil, gas and electricity markets. In Germany, energy prices rose rapidly from autumn 2021. After Russia invaded Ukraine, developments continued to gain momentum. The federal government tried to help consumers with, among other things, a temporary fuel discount, gas and electricity price caps and an energy flat rate.

In view of the continued high price level, the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations advises changing providers. “Since many new contracts for electricity and gas are currently cheaper, consumers should check whether they can switch to a good and cheaper provider,” said its board member Ramona Pop of the Funke media group. However, it is important to check carefully whether the provider is reputable.