Taking a taxi in Munich will soon be more expensive. But what about other big cities? An overview of taxi prices in the ten largest cities in Germany.

BERLIN, basic price: 4.30 euros

The kilometer prices are staggered. From the eighth kilometer onwards, 2.10 euros are due. Taxi fares in the capital were last increased in December 2022, by an average of 20 percent. According to the Senate Administration, there are currently no plans to increase taxi fares. However, the Senate would like to implement a tariff corridor within which fixed prices are also possible.

HAMBURG, basic price: 6.00/4.00 euros

Taxi fares in the Hanseatic city were last increased by Senate resolution in July 2023. According to the transport authority, there are currently no concrete plans for a new increase. On weekdays between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., passengers pay a basic fee of four euros instead of six. During peak times, 2.70 euros is charged for the first nine kilometers, and 2.00 euros thereafter. There are also fixed price regulations in Hamburg: for example, five to twelve kilometers cost 37 euros.

MUNICH, basic price: 5.30 euros

In April the basic price will rise to 5.50 euros and on January 1, 2025 to 5.70 euros. The price per kilometer will be increased from 2.30 euros to initially 2.50 euros and then to 2.70 euros. According to the taxi regulations, the fixed prices will also be increased accordingly. For the journey from the trade fair to the airport, passengers currently have to pay 85 euros, from April 90 and from January 94 euros. The city justified the increases with increased costs, particularly due to increases in the minimum wage.

COLOGNE, basic price: 4.90 euros

In the cathedral city, 2.60 euros per kilometer is due for the first seven kilometers, and then 2.20 euros from the eighth. The most recent increase was a while back, but was clear: in September 2022, the tariffs were increased by over 21 percent. According to a spokeswoman, the city is currently examining whether an increase is appropriate. The reason is the minimum wage increases on January 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

FRANKFURT/MAIN, basic price: 4.00 euros

The base price has been unchanged since December 2022. In the approximately 1,700 taxis in Frankfurt, customers also pay a standard price per kilometer of 2.40 euros, as a city spokesman announced. The city is currently working on introducing a tariff corridor with a fixed price option. Drivers and customers should then be able to negotiate the fixed prices freely – but only for trips after a previous order and within a set price range. The price per kilometer is between 2.40 euros and 4 euros. The model still has to be checked by the legal office. There is currently no timetable for the introduction.

STUTTGART, basic price: 4.20 euros

According to the city, taxi prices in Stuttgart were last increased in October 2022. At that time, the price per kilometer in Baden-Württemberg’s state capital rose by 50 cents. Up to four kilometers you currently have to pay three euros per kilometer, and from four kilometers you have to pay 2.50 euros. A city spokesman said there are currently no plans to change tariffs. However, the city of Stuttgart is keeping an eye on further cost increases and is ensuring that the cost-effectiveness of transport fees is maintained.

DÜSSELDORF, basic price: 4.50 euros

In the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, passengers pay 2.20 euros per kilometer. According to the city, the last adjustment took place in 2015. At that time, a five-kilometer tour was almost 26 percent more expensive. The administration is currently working on updating the taxi tariff regulations, said a spokesman. “A decision by the council should be made later this year,” it said.

LEIPZIG, basic price: 3.90 euros

The first to third kilometer currently costs 3.20 euros each. Afterwards, up to 10 kilometers you will be charged 2.20 euros and from the 11th kilometer onwards you will be charged 2.10 euros. At night it costs a little more. The taxi tariff in Leipzig has been in effect since October 2022. The licensing authority currently has no application to increase the taxi tariffs, a city spokesman said upon request. However, it is known from discussions with representatives of the taxi industry that if the minimum wage is increased further, the association will examine whether an increase in the transport fee needs to be applied for.

DORTMUND, basic price: 4.50 euros

During the day, on working days, 2.50 euros are due for the first kilometer driven. Each additional kilometer then costs 1.95 euros. It is more expensive at night and on Sundays and public holidays. The prices were last increased in July 2022. According to a city spokeswoman, there are no plans to increase tariffs in the near future.

FOOD, basic price: 4.40 euros

In Essen the first two kilometers cost 2.70 euros each, the next two 2.60 euros. From the fifth kilometer onwards, passengers have to pay 2.40 euros. The last increase was in August 2022. According to a city spokeswoman, there are currently no plans for another increase.