you love pies, but baking is usually too time-consuming? The recipe for this simple cake is the compromise that you have been waiting for.

cakes do not bake everyone happy, because they are often very expensive. Many also fear that the cake will not be as hoped for. The following recipe is easy and tasty at the same time .

Who selection is available in the Café in front of the cake, comes frequently into raptures. The sweets of professionals do not usually see only great, but also taste incredibly delicious. And then the thought comes to many, if you can’t* bake all of this at home?

This goes to all of the cases, but not everyone has the Motivation or the knack for it. the cakes have it as a rule to be very expensive to manufacture. This deters many. the However, don’t despair : Now cake recipe , do it as good as everyone.

Simple cake to bake: These are the ingredients you will need

the question is, are you equal to take in advance: Yes, the below ingredients list is complete . In fact, you need for this simple pie is just three things. As a result, one or the other will do in the Following is even easier than a conventional cake*.

All the ingredients for a simple cake:

3 eggs, size M, 120 g white or dark chocolate (depending on your preferences) 120 g double cream fresh cheese

also read : eggnog cake With this recipe it is particularly juicy.

how to bake a simple cake made from a few ingredients

are you Looking for a high Springform pan and grease with Butter. You distribute it then a few bread crumbs on the layer of fat. Alternatively, you can also lay out parchment paper , so that the cake releases later better from the floor. Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees top/bottom heat . Let the chocolate in a hot water bath melt and stir in the cooled, melted chocolate to the cream cheese. Separate egg white and egg yolk and mix it with the chocolate and the cream cheese. You have to beat egg whites the egg whites and fold in the mixture also. Enter the mass in a spring-form pan. The magazine friend recommends, a little water on the baking sheet , so that the cake rises better. After 15 minutes of baking time, reduce the heat to 160 degrees and wait a further quarter of an hour. To turn off, finally, the oven and the cake is still 15 minutes to stand in it.

Good appetite. (soa)

interesting : Paradise cream-cake: recipe is in record time – and is super tasty.

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