the Week starts with heavy rain and wind, but so is that little clearing in the wait, before the rain returns.

Rain, wind and sun change on the program of the coming week, which to say the least, can be called changeable.

this is the sound of the forecast from Erik Hansen, who is the officer in charge of the meteorologist at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).

– the Week offers generally windy and very changeable weather, which also comes days with nice weather sometimes, he says, early on Monday morning.

on Monday, passing a low pressure northeast of Denmark.

This means that there are quite a few squalls and wind on the way to the whole country.

First, it applies to Jutland, where the wind first in the morning increasing to a hard gale with gusts up to gale force.

– It may give some elevated water levels in the western part of the Limfjord, which lasts until the evening, warns Erik Hansen.

In the course of the afternoon when lavtrykket Zealand, which is also a windy and rainy day in the meeting.

Temperatures on Monday will put themselves between six and eight degrees.

the Night of Tuesday will be a chilly affair. It performs up, causing the temperatures to drop to between three degrees celsius and three degrees.

– So it is to be aware of slippery roads, says Erik Hansen.

the Rest of the week the weather changes from sunny to rainy, from day to day.

Tuesday will be a nice day with someone for a del sol and temperatures between two and eight degrees.

But already the night of Wednesday, move a new frontsystem into the country, when the wind blows up from the south, and there again comes the transient rain over Denmark.

on Wednesday, doing it up, but the clouds are going to hang on in the eastern parts, which can give rain the first part of the day.

Thursday, offers both sun and little rain. On the night of Friday, there can be yet another front over the country, which can offer a little sleet in the southwestern part of the country.

Friday moves nedbørsområdet over the country. It offers mainly rain, but there can also be a little sleet.
