The eight-year-old Kjællinghøl-bridge in Bjerringbro has been in nedstyrtningsfare a year and are now thrust together.

Kjællinghøl bridge that goes over the River in Bjerringbro, has fallen together.

It confirms the biologist in Viborg Municipality’s engineering & environmental management Rolf Christiansen.

the Bridge has been blocked off for a year, as Viborg Municipality felt that there was nedstyrtningsfare.

We were about to prepare us to lift it off. But the bridge came to us in vancouver, and tomorrow (Monday, ed.) we need to find out how we get it up, says Rolf Christiansen.

In spite of nedstyrtningsfaren it has been possible to sail under the wooden bridge since april.

– fortunately, There are no sailing on the River at this time of year, and no one has come to harm, says Rolf Christiansen.

According to the biologist is the company Wood-Ways, which are behind the bridge. The municipality is in the process of investigating a possible compensation.

Niels Dueholm, socialist group in Viborg Municipality and from Bjerringbro, tells to Viborg Stifts Folkeblad that he is surprised by the development.

– Yes, I must say. It comes well enough behind me that it is in such a condition, that it might just suddenly fall together, says Niels Dueholm.

He would like to see the bridge be removed immediately.

Viborg Municipality’s climate and environment committee had decided that Kjællinghøl-the bridge had to be removed before christmas in the year and the work should be begun in the coming week.

the Municipality had hoped that the bridge could be lifted away in one piece. But it is no longer possible, as it is broken in the middle.

the Bridge has fewer than ten years old, before the council ate it up.

Viborg Municipality has given priority to money for a replacement, about 1.5 million, so people again can trot, run and cycle across the River.

In 2016, snapped one of the supporting beams in the bridge’s lower part. The bridge was temporarily blocked, until the damage was repaired.

In the fall of 2018 completed a consulting engineering a study of the bridge. The investigation showed that the load-bearing structures was then attacked by the council, that it risked to collapse.

because of the risk closed Viborg Municipality 19. december 2018 for all traffic on the bridge and closed in addition to sailing under the bridge. But the voyage was resumed in april.
