the hero of The day, it is him. Henri Konan Bédié, 86 years of age. The ex-president of côte d’ivoire (1993-1999) ousted from power by a coup in 1999, announced Saturday that he would be a candidate for the nomination of his party, the democratic Party of Ivory Coast (PDCI), the main formation of the opposition for the presidential election on 31 October. The final decision will be made when the convention inauguration on the 26th of July.

also Read Ivory Coast : they want the chair of Ouattara

The time for revenge ?

It should be noted that the “sphinx of Daoukro,” as it is nicknamed, Henri Konan Bédié, has cared for the staging of end-to-end. It is in front of the leaders of the party gathered at his home in Abidjan that he has responded to their ” call “, read by the youngest of the delegates, asking him “emphatically” to ” make application to the convention for the designation of the candidate “.

” I will make gift of my person “, he then responded, echoing curiously the infamous formula of marshal Pétain in 1940.

He then completed his response : “I get this application as a mission of national salvation under a strong expectation from the base, to me, thus imposing the obligation to compete (compete) at this convention “, where his designation is little doubt, said the one who remains the undisputed leader of the PDCI.

one of The key leaders of the party, Jean-Louis Billon, the head of one of the largest private companies in the country, which was presented as a possible candidate, has previously announced his withdrawal in favor of HKB. “Me-even the ones with ambitions, today before the request that is made to you, knowing that you will respond in a positive manner, I withdraw my candidacy “, he said at the meeting.

the names of other personalities had been circulated as presidential, such as Thierry Tanoh, a former minister and banker, or Tidjane Thiam, the former managing director of Credit Suisse, nephew of former president Felix Houphouët Boigny. Bédié, nicknamed “the sphinx of Daoukro,” for his word is rare and its capacity for political survival, therefore, should once again submit to the supreme magistracy, after the attempts invalidated or failed in 2000 and 2010.

If the investiture of his party seems to be a formality, Henri Konan Bédié shall, during the presidential election, to convince voters that at 85 years of age, it is not too old, as pointed out already his political opponents.

also Read Ivory Coast : the divorce is consumed between Alassane Ouattara and Henri Konan Bédié


” Our victory in the presidential election next […] will allow the youth of Ivory Coast to access to the responsibilities in full and in the management of public affairs “, he said, while his advanced age has been underscored in particular by its former ally, the ivorian president Alassane Ouattara.

Lovers of cigars and good wine, HKB, which many describe as ” very close to its sub “, was allied with his former enemy Alassane Dramane Ouattara (called ADO) in 2005 to create the Rally of houphouëtistes for democracy and peace (RHDP), electoral alliance between the party of Ouattara and the PDCI. Third in the 2010 presidential behind Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara, Bédié takes its commitment and actively supports the latter during the post-electoral crisis (2010-2011), who has nearly 3,000 dead in a few months. After a honeymoon (Ouattara was even baptized on the third bridge of Abidjan in the name of Bédié) with the head of State, he submits to the presidential election in 2015, HKB has again interfered with ADO in 2018, precisely because of the presidential election of next October. The Sphinx ensures that Ouattara had pledged to support a candidate of PDCI in the presidential election of 2020, in exchange for the support of the PDCI in 2015.

After two terms, Alassane Ouattara, has announced its withdrawal, highlighting the need to make room for young people. His Prime minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly, the 61-year-old, will defend to the presidential election the colours of the ruling party, the Rassemblement des houphouëtistes for democracy and peace (RHDP). It is neat since the beginning of may in France for cardiac problems.

another candidate has already said, the former rebel leader Guillaume Soro, a 47-year-old, ex-ally of president Ouattara became the opponent. But it faced several legal proceedings for which a sentence of 20 years in prison and lives in exile in France.

The other major opposition, the ivorian popular Front (FPI), has not yet made known its position for the presidential.

Its founder, ex-president Laurent Gbagbo, 75 years (in power from 2000 to 2010), is on parole since his acquittal by the international criminal Court, and the possibility of his return in Côte d’ivoire is not a trench. The REIT has spent a “political agreement” with the PDCI. The contours of the agreement are unclear, and it does not seem at this stage to be a true electoral alliance for the presidential election. The deadline for the submission of nominations is 31 July.

Ten years after the post-electoral crisis of 2010-2011, which had made some 3 000 people dead, the presidential election of October 2020 is likely to be tense.

writing will advise you

Tierno Monénembo – Why it is necessary to remember Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’ivoire, RHDP : Alassane Ouattara remains at the helm until 2020 Côte d’ivoire : the divorce is consumed between Alassane Ouattara and Henri Konan Bédié of Ivory Coast : the “party unified” has lead in the wing the Ivory Coast : they want the chair of Ouattara, Côte d’ivoire : Bédié chooses Ouattara, but for whom will vote on the PDCI ?