In Lille (North), vote for the candidate LREM Violette Spillebout, is to vote for Martine Aubry, the mayor PS of the campaign for his re-election, according to the candidate the head of the list environmentalist Stéphane Baly. Sunday, June 21, he called on voters who want “change” to “not wrong” and so to vote for him, instead of the candidate of the presidential party. During a press conference, he said : “We are there, the choice is history. Next Sunday, Lille have really the choice between a fourth term (of Martine Aubry, editor’s NOTE), but to do what ? ” and ” vote for change “.

also Read Municipal : Cohn-Bendit rake the strategy anti-green of LREM

“The match will be between Martine Aubry and me,” repeated the one who had won the march 15, 24.5% of the vote against 29.8% for the mayor, a socialist, and 17.5 % for Violette Spillebout. “Many voters tempted to vote Spillebout expect eventually an improvement the legitimate frame of life” in a polluted city that lacks green spaces, ” a renewal of democratic practices and should not be mistaken : the change, it is the bulletin “Lille’s” green “, he insisted. Vote EELV ” is a vote in line with the company “, he judged, detailing his program “in phase” with the proposals of the ‘convention’ for climate (CCC), desired by Emmanuel Macron.

also Read Martine Aubry : “The crisis is going to be very heavy”

LREM, “the enemy”

on the evening of The first round, Violette Spillebout had reached out to Stéphane Baly, but the latter had rejected his proposal : “Politically, I have an enemy who is LREM, list siamese with LR. “”Those who voted Macron for the european project or the public freedoms […] déchantent today,” she said the national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou, holding that ” to the environment, Europe, social justice, democratic renewal “, the best vote, ” this is Baly “. Julien Bayou has also referred to the electors of France insubordinate (BIA), providing “share” with them ” certain issues “, including on housing : “If their priority is the housing, it is better to vote Baly !” he suggested.

Read also Municipal in Lille : Aubry will not make alliance with environmentalists

The candidate BIA, Julien Poix (8.8 per cent), was announced may 31 that it would refuse to choose between the PS Martine Aubry and EELV : “We regret that EELV and the PS, the two parties of the majority municipal outbound, have chosen to engage in the usual food policy, where the fight for places is fierce. “

writing will advise you

Coignard – Martine Aubry : the application of too much ? Lille, a city in eternal reconstruction