The municipality of Gräfelfing belongs since decades to the country’s top performers when it comes to land prices. Among the numerous consequences, for example in the area apartment market and the housing shortage, also a special responsibility of the municipality in dealing with your own real estate property. In some cases the decision may fall in favour of the common good faster.

Gräfelfing– The municipality in accordance with nature is by far the largest land owner on the site. Most of these areas, in addition to about of road base and Parking areas, built-up, and certainly in their use of undoubtedly for the common good is dedicated to: town hall, municipal hall, Old town hall, the whole of the subsequent area with a Maltese-building, fire Department and school of music are of course part of the municipality. Add to this, for example, the entire surface area of the co-operative apartment buildings on the Anger – and the large plots of land on which the housing estate-real estate around on the field. In addition, the school campus Lochham and the primary school Premises in Gräfelfing.

Exciting of the views of other plots of land, often located in residential areas, which belong to the municipality and which are not or only partially public good, not for the benefit of – at least yet. “It’s a very legitimate question and a topical issue, which land has the municipality, how it uses and what she’s up to – as for public facilities or housing,” says mayor Peter Köstler. Since this complex issue will be made only partially public. Although any local real estate in the capital budget can be found again, and is open to the public. But he is not read for the layman it is quite easy to. All contract negotiations on property acquisition or divestiture process Council and administration in non-public meetings, because the rights of third parties are affected.

There are several ways in which the community comes to land ownership. Sometimes it is simply the heiress of the estate, if the owner, for example, have no children or, for other reasons, the municipality of Testament provide Seating as a beneficiary. Recently a plot was this way in the Aubinger road in the municipality of possession. It is an older house that is currently unused is. Many years ago already, the municipality has inherited a house on the water arch, in the today of the community-the employees live.

Multiple real estate has taken over the community in the Form of annuities. She often helps the owners, who are allowed to live in their house until end-of-life from acute economic Distress.

In addition, there is, of course, that the municipality acquires simply on the free market plots. “We are not hoarding the land, but purchase it mostly with a goal, even if it is a rather long-term nature,” says mayor Köstler. As an example, he cites the area on Jahn place along the Embankment. The municipality bought it in order to gain room for manoeuvre for the urban development of the Jahn place. Here is one day to create a new row, with shops on the ground floor and residential use on the upper floors.

However, there are also fillet-land, bought by the parish years ago, and until today, not adequate uses. The double-plot stefanus street 46-48 counts. “Here was planned the purchase of a Kindergarten, because there was at that time in this area, a shortfall in child care,” says the mayor. The plans were dashed, and long the institution has satisfied the stone Kirchner, the street, the need for childcare. “Here, we need to develop a meaningful alternative use,” says Peter Köstler. It won’t be easy: A multi-floor residential buildings for social housing or a local model, the construction includes real there. To sell the valuable property on the open market to the highest bidder, a developer, to the reluctance of those responsible in the city hall as well. Because on the one hand, the municipality has enough money. On the other hand, she has not often the opportunity to be of such plots of land to get hold of, and you can’t purchase in the short term. Köstler: “The opportunities are rare, and you have to use it. Without such sites our entire network of decentralised child care facilities, for example, would not be possible.“ On the other hand, he admits that a meaningful use of “always be seamlessly” feasible and plots are over the years without adequate use of broke.

Similarly, the land of peace-street, 15 and 17, which belong to the municipality. On the one hand, a rented houses, the other is free. “Here, too, ideas for use are to be developed”, says the mayor needs to take action in the mercury discussion. A different plot of land, peace, road, 11, uses the private Sunrise Kindergarten ABC.

the land Grosostraße 2, 4 and 6 in the immediate vicinity of the town hall belonging to the municipality. Number 6 occupies a Kindergarten, on the two other plots, community housing, especially employees, including the town hall janitor. Also to the family of a parish associate in a house in the Birket is rented; also, the houses Prof.-Kurt-Huber-Straße 2 is in the municipal ownership and rented.

Sometimes it happens that the parish has no reasonable use for a piece of land came on in one way or another in their possession. “Then we sell the land again”, so Köstler. For example, the plot Ruffini Allee 10 a went to the highest bidder private buyer, a young Gräfelfinger family with several children.

Below-the-line mayor Peter Köstler sees some need for action, but notes: “The municipality must have no accusation to make. We are not the big speculators, the great land dealer.“