From abroad, or paid a salary of misery. Here is the cornelian choice imposed by some thirty of its stewards and stewardesses Portuguese. In an article relayed Thursday 13 August 2020 by international Mail, the daily Jornal de Notícias says that the low cost airline has proposed a base salary of 588 euro gross on a monthly basis to its agents recruited through Crewlink, a company acting working exclusively with Ryanair. However, in Portugal, the statutory minimum wage is 635 euros…

The employees who are refractory to such an “offer” offered an alternative : to leave their country and go to work for the group in Ireland and the United Kingdom, starting September 1, 2020. In case of refusal of these two options, the contract was simply broken, continues to Jornal de Notícias.

also Read How the low cost airlines hope to take advantage of the crisis

offers “indecent”

The president of the trade Union of flight personnel of civil aviation in Portugal was not slow to react, calling these offers of” indecent “. The union has committed in the wake of a judicial procedure against the company’s irish for ” harassment and discrimination in the workplace “. Ryanair contends for its part that the remuneration of its personnel navigant “is made up of a number of elements” (premiums of theft, the commissions on the products sold on the plane, etc) that inflate the base salary. The controversy could also swell.