“It would be better that the president takes the floor” on the alleged racism in the police force rather than “to sell cars” by visiting at Renault, has attacked the chief of the Untamed Jean-Luc Mélenchon Sunday, June 7, 2020. Emmanuel Macron “should say : We are a métis nation, very mixed, our strength is being able to find an outlet where we are all united regardless of our skin color and our religion,” he said.

“This is not to say that we have a police or a State that is racist, I wouldn’t say that,” said the boss of deputies BIA on BFM TV. “But by a form of madness and one-upmanship, a significant fraction of the police […] was dragged to these attitudes” of violence on black people or arabs, he added. According to him, “there is a training problem” in the police and it is ” first the hierarchy must be challenged, in the first place, the minister of the Interior from Christophe Castaner. In the case of police violence, in particular making reference to the death of Adama Traoré, “his responsibility is total, it is he, the head of the pyramid” whose attitude can ” encourage or punish these behaviors “.

Read also the Suburbs : the summer of all the dangers ?

The president has nothing to say ?

The national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou has also claimed a spokesperson Emmanuel Macron in political Issues (France Inter/France Info/Le Monde/France télévisions) : “For someone who has a speech on everything and anything […], there, on a major topic of security, regal, and while the pact republican to divide on these issues of police violence and violence against police officers, the president has nothing to say ? “

earlier in the morning, the boss of the Republican Christian Jacob had also criticised the “deafening silence” of the executive ” at a time when the national police is humiliated “, according to him, by some of the demonstrators. The head of the presidential party, LREM Stanislaus Guérini was felt that it should be ” hear our youth “, but be ” neither in denial, nor in the mix “, in The show ” le Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI. He castigated those who, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, were, according to him, “every time, the posture of direct opposition to call for the resignation of the minister of the Interior “and that” they have a thirst for exploitation.”

The shock wave caused by the death of George Floyd in the United States has continued to spread Saturday in France, where more than 23 000 demonstrators, according to the ministry of the Interior, denounced the police violence and called for ” justice for all “.

also Read “Wake ourselves up” : the appeal of Omar Sy against the police violence