The face-to-face Jonathann Daval with justice will have to wait a bit. The trial of the man who had confessed to the murder of his wife, Alexia, in 2017 will be held finally in November at Vesoul (Haute-Saône) after having been postponed because of the pandemic of sars coronavirus. This trial will last five days, from 16 to 20 November next, at the Palais de justice history of Vesoul, as revealed to the Agence France-Presse, the prosecutor of the Republic at Vesoul Emmanuel Dupic. In the Face of the interests that could give rise to this trial, ” a system of organization will be implemented in September, driven by the court of appeal of Besançon “, he added.

also Read Murder of Alexia Daval : sextoys, covenant, and photos, these strange flights

The trial before the assize court of Haute-Saône had been postponed to march 2021 because of the outbreak of coronavirus. But the new date was beyond the statutory period of remand, said to Me, Randall Schwerdorffer, lawyer, Jonathann Daval. “I am relieved that the trial takes place in November, march, was extremely far away “, he confided.

“For it to be well considered, it will be closer to the truth”

I Schwerdorffer expects his client that he is ” the most spontaneous and as free as possible in his statements.” “For it to be well considered, it will be closer to the truth,” he says. Jonathann Daval must be tried for ” murder on the spouse “, punishable by life imprisonment. Alexia Daval, an employee of bank of 29, had been found dead, hidden under branches and partially burned, the October 30, 2017 in Haute-Saône.

Her husband Jonathann was initially go for three months for a spouse tearfully, without news of his wife’s part to do his jogging, before recognizing to have beaten and strangled in the night from 27 to 28 October 2017 in their homes of Gray-la-Ville (Haute-Saône), during a violent quarrel marriage. At the end of a re-enactment of the murder conducted last June 17, Jonathann Daval had admitted having carried out the cremation part of the body of Alexia in a nearby wood.

writing will advise you

Jonathann Daval, the slow descent to hell Jonathann Daval at psych : “What I wanted, it’s that Alexia is keep silent “