Berlin (Reuters) – Potential car purchase premiums, it should be in the view of the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer also for cars with a combustion engine. Long before the Coronavirus you have agreed a purchase premium for alternative powertrains, said the CSU politician of the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

“Now, it can only be that we provide more vehicles with a purchase premium. The modern burner.” In these cases, you should now get “the heap is empty, thus produced can be,” said Scheuer.

The transport Minister warned of a long Hesitation when deciding on a new purchase premium, as customers bought before this was done. Each day that the policy is not yet decided, is “for the manufacturer, is a day wasted”. We must act, because the auto industry is a agship industry. To your mechanical engineering, logistics, and suppliers related to very many jobs.

At a Meeting in the Chancellery of the tips of the black-red coalition want to adopt on Tuesday a multi-billion package to boost the economy in the Corona-crisis. It could also be a purchase premium for cars decided.