In a world where the defence of the environment is often synonymous with the critique of the growth and technology, the environmentalist and american Michael Shellenberger jars. A tireless defender of nuclear power, which he recalls to reason that it is the source of energy in the least polluting way, he advocates a rational approach to environmental discussions. This is confirmed by his last book, Apocalypse Never, where he is sifting out, with force data, the assertions of alarmist environmental activists. Not only the man is not the enemy of nature, shows there, but the end of the temp…
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” nuclear power has saved two million people ! “We interviewed a founder of Extinguishing the Rebellion” Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace are just good capitalists “”We are in a period of time to the Jeanne d’arc with Greta Thunberg leading this religious war” FORUM. Why the affirmations doomsday on the climate are false Debate Bruckner-Shellenberger : “Greta Thunberg, this is Joan of Arc crossed with Pippi Longstocking “