Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) is referred to by finansmediet Bloomberg as one of the 50 people that have helped to define the past year.

It is because she is the youngest Danish prime minister ever, and that she openly said the us president, Donald Trump, against, when he offered to buy Greenland.

She is also the only second female prime minister in Denmark.

Trump offered to buy the world’s largest island in august, but Frederiksen called the idea of an “absurd discussion” and stressed that Greenland can decide for yourself.

He felt apparently encountered and canceled his state visit to Denmark in september with short notice.

the Prime minister gets the praise of the finansmediet to stand firm and notes that Trump and Mette Frederiksen, shortly after speaking over the phone, and that the relationships are intact.

Bloomberg is a prominent media and be read the world over.

the Analysis from the finansmediet is that she has to change the tone of the immigration debate may have found a model to revitalize the left in Europe.

The 42-year-old social democrat won the election by doing what few other venstrefløjspolitiske leaders in Europe have managed: to neutralize indvandrerkritisk nationalism.

She acknowledges the necessity of a stop of immigration in a country where everyone has access to free health care and education, but she did it without resorting to xenophobic rhetoric, reads the explanatory memorandum.
