The company plans to 2020, a total of more than 2400 new apprentices and dual students are set. The opportunities range from sales, IT or Marketing to a course of study in the real estate industry, a training in the school program or as a specialist for warehouse logistics, such as Lidl announced in an official message.

Lidl has training salaries raised

Because in the retail sale of a fierce battle for talent is raging forces, announced that Lidl already in the last year to its trainees to pay more. “We firmly believe that we can get through fair pay for better staff. And the apprentices of today are the specialists and executives of tomorrow,“ said chief of staff Jens Urich at the time.

All the trainees in sales and operations as well as in the logistics get in the meantime, monthly 1000 Euro in the first year of the apprenticeship, in the second and third year you will get 1100 euros and 1250 euros. Participants of the high school graduates program get even more: you can earn from the first year of 1100 euros per month, starting in the second year, 1250 Euro, from the third above the General pay scale.

  • follow All the News on Corona-crisis you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

The fee, the dual student at Lidl is on a monthly basis in the first year, respectively, at 1500 euros, in the second year for 1600 Euro and in the third year at 1800 Euro.

Discounter promises transparent application procedure

Lidl, meanwhile, is a quick and transparent application process, supplemented by Online interviews, promises its applicants via an Online Tool.

interested students and their parents can also on the Online lecture series #Lidl are about the company as well as the training and study opportunities to inform.

So is the training places in Germany

But even if the example of Lidl power of hope, it’s on the German training market is currently anything but rosy. There is a noticeable decline in the number of training places that will be accelerated by the Corona-crisis, according to Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) now.

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Currently, there is a Minus in the case of the offered apprenticeships by nearly eight percent compared to the same month last year, said the CDU-politician in the beginning of may. However, it could come according to the Federal Agency for work is also a catching-up process in August and September, when the economic consequences of the pandemic are more predictable.

The German trade Union Confederation (DGB) warned about a “Corona-Crash” in the training market, and demanded a Bonus for companies which take on trainees from insolvent companies. Demands for financial support also came from the IG Metall trade Union and business associations.

  • More news to Lidl you can read here: Lidl in the News Ticker

The Federal government could grant in the case of more strained economic situation for those companies with a financial Bonus, the offer for the coming year, additional training places, said the Deputy DIHK managing Director Achim Dercks. Also, the Left joined the Bonus claim. “It is clear that the Corona-crisis encounters already long-existing massive problems of the training market and to act as a fire accelerant threatens,” said the education-policy spokeswoman for the left party, birch Bull-Bischoff.

company are operated in a “waiting loop”

The President of the Central Association of German crafts (ZDH), Hans Peter Woll zeal, pointed out that, given the Numbers of Karliczek on a survey of craft, in which every fourth operation wanted to move back in the coming training year of training. Wool diligence demanded, therefore, a financial support of Small and Micro – enterprises. “For 83 per cent of training establishments in Germany are of this size.” The great content, Check (display)

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According to the President of the Federal Institute for vocational education and training, Friedrich Hubert Esser, the company on the subject of education is currently “in a kind of waiting loop”. They hoped for a re-start of the economy in the second half of the year, and the fact that the demand for skilled workers in the company become virulent again will, said he.

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