How to write The Sun reporter Dan Wootton in his review of the julefilmen ‘Last Christmas’, which has Danish Peter Mygind on the cast.

It may sound just legitimate hard, but maybe there is something to it. Dan Wootton is far from the only reviewer, who is not exactly impressed by the romantic comedy.

in Fact, many of the reviews are lukewarm or even critical.

It accounted otherwise good for the british julefilm, who has Emma Thompson – which also helps in the popular julefilm ‘Love Actually’ and ‘Game of Thrones’star Emilia Clark in the lead roles, and George Michael and Whams music as the soundtrack – hence the title ‘Last Christmas’.

But to the deceased pop star George Michael’s name should be put in the context of the film, irks the Bbc declare themselves something over.

“What did George Michael do to deserve this? Why should the former Wham!-the figurehead associated with a brutally usjov and artificial romantic comedy, when he does Betpas not even have the option to say no?,” writes Nicholas Barber in his review.

He gives ‘Last Christmas’ paltry one out of five stars.

a Little more liberally, are The Guardians reviewer, which gives the film two out of five stars. However, it is not because he throws about with roses.

“‘Last Christmas’ is, or at least should be, cancelled,” writes Benjamin Lee, as the final remark in his review.

Here at B. T. we have also reviewed ‘Last Christmas’. The reviewer commends Peter Myginds performance, but not quite sold, and therefore only the film three out of six stars.

“the Romance seems uncommon fresh, there comes a overfed plottvist – and so is the film’s basic moral of the story so trite that even Nik and Jay would find the right legally cheap,” writes Thomas derbyshire county council (uk, among others.

While critics in both England and denmark gives ‘Last Christmas’ a rough ride, they are perhaps the most important critics – the viewers – take a different view.

On the filmhjemmesiderne IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, where users can report movies, get julefilmen respectively by 6.6 out of ten stars and 81 out of 100%.

if you Ask moviegoers, it is worthwhile to go to your nearest cinema and see ‘Last Christmas’, if you must in the christmas spirit.

the Film received the Danish theatrical release 14. november.