Helle Thorning-Schmidt recently took the plunge from a position as executive director of save the children for the role as a professional board member in a number of companies.

But something suggests that the departure of the Red Child was not completely smooth.

“In my world, I would like to be there two more years, but I am being tempted by the possibilities, and at the same time, internally, some problems in the Red the Child, which means that I do not quite agree with my board of directors in all areas, and it creates a push effect.”

so says the former Prime minister in a longer interview with the stock market on his last time at the Red Child.

This suggests therefore, that one of the reasons why she said goodbye for the post of director, internal challenges.

She tells further, that when she got the offer to be a part of the board of directors of Vestas and kapitalforvaltningsfirmaet Algebris, she was not moving away from the Red Child.

In the interview with the stock market tells Thorning-Schmidt is not practical, what problems and disagreements, there is guilt in that she thanks the yes to the offer.

But yes, it she said.

It means that she is today – as mentioned earlier – working as a professional board member in a number of companies such as Vestas and industrial Carsoe.

in Addition, she drives her own consultancy firm ‘Thorning-Schmidt Global’.

Private form she continued to pair with the british politician Stephen Kinnock.

They live together in London and have kids Camilla Kinnock and Johanna Kinnock.