In times of pandemic, the benefits of Drahteseln stand out. You avoid the viruses, suspicious Narrow of buses and trains and comes loose on all those who sit in the car. Many of the Bicycle dealers “burns is currently the hut,” a spokesman for the Association of the German Bicycle trade (VDZ), and the farms would be overrun by Demands. But good bikes are not cheap. A thousand euros and more, at a stroke, to spend, not everyone can afford. A Monk is an Alternative?

Bicycle-Leasing: thickness Savings inside

Bicycle-Leasing means that you take on as an employee part of the cost of the purchase of the bike and the bike can still use private. Usually are not bought in this case, the Firmenrad by the employer but leased. The corresponding Rates you can pay in a cash conversion, ie: You stutter a monthly manageable sum.

An example: You’re doing yourself a fancy Bike for 2,000 euros. In the case of a gross salary of 3000 euros, then a monthly Rate of around 34 euros, which you will have to pay for 36 months. All in all, for three years, about 1.225 Euro. The Clou: you will Then have the opportunity to take the bike for about 18 percent of the purchase price. In this case, you’d come to a total of 1.585 Euro, you would have 400 Euro saved up. You can with the Bicycle-Leasing so much cheaper on your intended purchase if you buy it.

How can that be? This is mainly due to the tax incentives. The Monk-lease you pay as an employee, the entire cost or a part thereof from the gross wage. A part of the salary claim is changed in a material respect. As a result, the taxable income is reduced for both the employee and the employer.

Bicycle-Leasing: Where is the hook?

for tax purposes, the Whole thing is confusing, which is why you have to carefully calculate whether the lease really worth it. So you have to the money equivalent of 0.25 percent of the gross list price of not taxable, unless you use the Bike exclusively for the way to work. At the same time the taxable income is reduced by the deduction of Leasing Instalments from your gross salary but. Complicated it can be, if you want to take the bike to the 36 months. Because the Leasing company will charge for the bike after three years of use, less than the actual residual value. The tax office sets the residual value, usually with 40 percent of the original price. As a result, you get a price advantage, you theoretically taxable. However, the Leasing-services in the rule, these costs. The German civil service Federation is also concerned that the cash conversion, the net wage and thereby also the basis for hospital compensation, would reduce unemployment benefits and state pension.

lease Goes with any bike?

In principle, Yes, many retailers and brands with make. Also own all types of bicycles as a service, Bicycle – mountain bikes and road bikes. You need to not drive to work, you can also start weekend trips. In addition, as a Monk is possible pedelec, so the wheels with electric motors and a maximum speed of 25 kilometers per hour.

How does the Der-Leasing?

First of all, you need to let the Leasing of your employer approve of that. Then you turn to a specialist as his company Bicycle, Euro wheel, My-Wörterbuch.deoder Lease-A-Bike. The services explain to you how to do it and to what distributor or drop shipper you can turn to.


Monk-Leasing is worth it almost always. In comparison to the direct purchase you can definitely save a lot of money. Through tax benefits and reduced social security taxes you save on the bottom line, often several Hundred euros.

This article was written by Nils Matthiesen

*The post “How you when buying a Bike correctly can save” is published by LOOT. Contact with the executives here.