Compared with last year there has been an increase of almost 500 more klamydiatilfælde across the country.

Last year was 33.415 danes tested positive for the most widespread venereal disease in denmark, chlamydia.

the Vast majority were young people between 15 and 29 years old. It shows new figures from the Danish Health and medicines authority.

Arnhem was the municipality, where, with 33 klamydiatilfælde per 1000 young people aged 15 to 29 years had the most cases – followed by Halsnæs, Kerteminde and Aalborg.

the city of Copenhagen comes in at number nine, while Aarhus is located on a 17.-space and Odense on 27.-square.

The municipalities with the fewest cases are Ærø and Samsø. Here was only registered, respectively, eight and 12 cases.

– A high smittetal is not necessarily an expression of that, as the municipality is performing poorly. You will need to compare it with testaktiviteten. Therefore, it is important for each municipality to consider what is behind the numbers, kaçak bahis siteleri says special consultant in the Danish Health and medicines authority, Anne Rygaard.

Testaktiviteten varies from municipality to municipality. In Frederikshavn was 22 percent of the municipality’s young people tested for chlamydia in 2018, while six percent did in Favrskov.

Compared with last year there has been an increase of almost 500 klamydiatilfælde. Thus, the level is near the highest ever, which was in 2016 with 34.134 case.

– It is not an acceptable level for a disease that is both easily preventable and treated.

Chlamydia can be treated easily with antibiotics, but it can have a big impact to have untreated chlamydia such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility, and inflammation of the epididymis in men, says Anne Rygaard.

According to the national head of the organization, Sex & Society, Lene Stavnsgaard, can the increase be due to the prevention of them is not switched through in the country’s municipalities.

– We have a high rate of adolescents who use hormonal protection, but they protect themselves not against diseases. Young people are greatly more worried about getting unwanted pregnant than to get sexsygdom, she says.

Testraten is also higher among women than among men in all the country’s municipalities.

– the Difference between the sexes is probably due to, among other things, that young women more frequently come into contact with the healthcare system, for example when they need to have the prescription for the pill. And that, therefore, they are more often invited to test.

– But that young men generally do not go much to the doctor, is perhaps also a part of the explanation, says Anne Rygaard.
