It was in 2014 : Evelyn Dhéliat, one of the presenters of the weather on TF1, in collaboration with the world meteorological Organization, presented the weather report is dated August, 2050. “Even the extreme heat in this August 17, 2050 with a blazing sun barely veiled “, she says. For the 18 August, the presenter details the temperatures : “In the afternoon, we will reach or surpass even 40 degrees centigrade, 41 to Agen, 41, Strasbourg, 40 in the capital city, 42 to Lyon and up to 43 provided in Nîmes “. A weather report, far from being fanciful : “It has been formulated with a lot of seriousness by Météo France “, she says, before recalling that between 2014 and 2050, a been on 4 will consist of a heat wave, in France.

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raise Awareness of global warming

forecasts for 2050 that are accurate… as soon as 2020, because the map Evelyn Dhéliat corresponds to the one of these days, while France crossed a new episode heatwave, with 15 departments in vigilance red heatwave and 54 departments classified in vigilance orange. As in the “fake” bulletin, Britain remains rather untouched for the moment. The weather report for 2050 objective was to raise public awareness on the consequences of global warming, in the framework of the COP 20 in Lima.

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