The Federal government is planning a purchase premium of 4000 euros for E-cars and Plug-in Hybrids, as well as 3000 euros for gas. The want to learn the industry trade magazine “Automobilwoche”.

purchase premium for gas only under the condition

“The premium for gas but requires a contribution from the manufacturer of 50 percent. Only 1500 euros from the Federal budget would flow as a grant,” says the Magazine. A confirmation for the notification from the official side it was first. It is to be expected that in the case of petrol and diesel vehicles, the premium to certain consumption or CO2 levels or emissions standards, is bound – probably the standard Euro 6 d.

If the purchase premium of 4000 Euro will be paid to the existing electric-premium, it would mean that electricity would be at least nominally to all 8000 euros cheaper. In the case of the electric-premium car manufacturers and the state each contribute 50 percent. However, market experts believe that the manufacturers share will ultimately be compensated by a higher base price – in addition, these vehicles do not always have the usual new car discounts.

purchase premium controversial

In the auto-industry work around 800,000 people in Germany, and many other jobs in the connected areas. However, the purchase premiums are controversial – not only in lobby associations, the branches prefer to have their own industry would see. So also rejects the Advisory Council on the assessment of the overall economic development of car-purchase premiums. In order to prevent a long-lasting recession and to support the economic recovery, recommend the ways of other measures, such as extending opportunities for tax-loss carryback and carryforward, a reduction in energy costs and to promote private and public investment in education and transport infrastructure. Corona Outcry from Frank Thelen at Lanz: “Ashamed for my country” FOCUS Online/Wochit Corona Outcry from Frank Thelen at Lanz: “Ashamed for my country,” Thunderstorms and drop in temperature: the change in the weather PCP Thunderstorms and drop in temperature comes: Now the change in the weather

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