In the black-red coalition is exacerbating the dispute over how to tax the planned economy program to be. From the SPD of a negative Statements to the push by CSU leader Markus Söder came on Saturday over a debt ceiling. This is the wrong way to go, said SPD parliamentary group Deputy Achim Post, the Deutsche Presse-Agentur: “Germany has been so good through the crisis, because the state has mobilized its full financial strength.”

The Federal government wants to decide at the beginning of June a recovery program. It is the goal of the economy in line with the gradual easing of the Corona have restrictions to boost. As a result of the crisis, a severe recession is not expected.

the view from Söder of the Federal government to boost the economy after the Corona-crisis in this year should be allowed to take a maximum of 100 billion euros of additional debt. “It is important that we ruin the state,” said Bavaria’s Minister-President on Friday at a party Congress.

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economic recovery program. up to 150 billion Euro.

A “mirror”report according to Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, is currently planning a cyclical program of up to 150 billion euros So far, the supplementary budget of the Federal government for 2020 is a deficit of 156 billion euros to the mitigation of the pandemic consequences.

Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus, and to take decisions on the stimulus package is subject to a ceiling for new debt. “Before we talk about economic aid, we need to review our finances: What is the debt we take on?”, the CDU said-politicians of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”, with a view to the coming Generation. “The last time we were at 59 percent of gross domestic product. How strong the will to rise, to 80 percent, for example?” You will experience Beate Sander live!

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economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), wants. to the discharge of a “load-Tüv” for the already approved laws, which have not yet entered into force “New burdens, duties, and reporting obligations we must prevent wherever possible, expose or move,” he said the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

SPD: recovery package lack the “vital substance”

SPD Group Chairman Rolf mützenich called for to connect the planned economic stimulus package with a debt of over-indebted municipalities. Otherwise, a crucial substance would be missing, “” said Mützenich the editorial network in Germany. Scholz had suggested that the Federal government and the Länder are supporting the municipalities in the economic stimulus package, with 57 billion euros. The money is to compensate for the drop in trade tax, and at the same time, distressed communities of old debts relieve. From the Union’s criticism of the proposal came.

The employers called on the Federal government, initially a quick effective “bridge Fund” for companies to launch. “Will wait until the other elements of the economic programme, it may be the hardest-hit companies may already be too late,” – said in a letter to Steffen Kampeter, Director General of the Confederation of German employers ‘ associations, to Scholz. The Letter was presented to the dpa. “The aim must be that the tools are paid off in June 2020.”

read also: Sharp criticism of the Grand coalition-proposals – Corona-the power of the word by the chief of the economy: “There is no free beer for all” Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, earn Openings, and child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit At a discussion on daycare: Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care”
