The european Union can boast of such an achievement in terms of ecology : the member countries as a whole has produced, in the first half, and for the first time, more renewable electricity than electricity generated from fossil fuels, leading to an analysis of the centre of reflection Ember published on Wednesday. This is a first, underlines the organization specialist of the energy transition, which is based on the data of managers of national electricity grids, meeting within the european association Entso-e.

across the 27 countries of the EU, the renewable energy generated 40% of the electricity in the first half, and fossil fuels 34 %, under the combined effect of the rise of solar and wind power and a drop in demand. The CO2 emissions from the electricity sector have declined by 23 %. Renewable energy sources have seen their production grow by 11 % compared to the first half of 2019 : + 11 % for wind energy, + 16 % for solar, thanks to the commissioning of new facilities and favourable climatic conditions, adds Ember.

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coal fall of 32 %

Wind and solar have generated 21 % of europe’s electricity, a new level (64 % in Denmark, 49 % in Ireland, 42 % in Germany). Hydroelectric dams have provided 13 % (or 12 % more compared to the same period last year). The rest (6 %) come from bioenergy, including a small portion of wood biomass to replace coal in power plants. The coal, at the same time, has suffered a fall of 32 %, generating 12 % of europe’s electricity, a proportion that is two times less than it was five years).

According to Ember, the coal of germany has experienced the largest decline, with a production – 39 %. For the first time, Germany has produced less electricity from coal-fired power plants as Poland, notes the analysis. This product, as well as many of electricity from coal than 25 european countries together (excluding Germany), was calculated by Ember, which underlines the importance of Poland if Europe wants to be able to achieve carbon neutrality. “We are at a symbolic moment for the european electrical sector,” said Dave Jones, an expert in Ember, for which ” there is a way clear for countries such as Poland or the Czech Republic, grappling with the questions of output of coal “, with the new Green Deal and european Fund for the transition fair

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