The long Wearing of masks is for many sellers is unreasonable, says Harald Dinter by the Federal government of the self-employed. A better Alternative, then the claim would be shields made of plexiglass. The health office sees the proposal, however, is critical.

district – shopping, the only mask. Basically, the Federal government of the self-employed (BDS) do not want to criticise the pad, because in this part of the retail back was open. However, the Chairman of Schongauer local sees in the scheme is also a serious Problem: namely, that it is dimensions the same for all. “We must distinguish, in the mask duty urgently between customers and sales personnel” calls for Harald Dinter.

“must have While customers wear the masks for the duration of the purchasing Department, employees this for many hours at a stretch continuously.” Unreasonable some of the Dinter says. Breathing under the mask is more difficult. To prevent spread, there are in the retail industry better opportunities: “Especially the face should visors as a sufficient measure of protection apply”, so the BDS.

the Ministry of the interior provides for “Face-Shields” in a critical

you can’t Do at the Moment, but. “Visors, so-called Face-Shields or (Plexi)glass panes, is not a equivalent substitute for a mask. This can be in addition to the mouth-nose cover worn“, is it from the Bavarian Ministry of the interior.

Jana Krivanek of the Boutique “beautiful” in Weilheim thinks it’s a shame. You would like to change to a visor. “The comfort is much more comfortable.” The mask finds them rather annoying, especially when a lot is going on and they can occasionally be removed. Your employees would set it free, if you prefer to wear a mask or a visor, they should be approved.

BDS: “Facial expression is just for consultations is an important factor”

of The BDS is to consider a further aspect, why the face should be allowed signs for sales staff: “Facial expression is just for consultations is an important factor,” says Dinter. You have to Understand what is said in the a tremendous importance.

Even if the Facial expression is without doubt important, does not share Hannelore Leinauer-brennauer from the eponymous flower business in Peiting the opinion of the BDS. “The customers will notice nevertheless, whether you are cheerful and open-minded or not. Like on the phone also. And if everyone has to wear a mask, will be forgiven the lack of facial Expressions already.“ With the masks and the staff cope well. “The main thing is that the Store can stay up,” said Leinauer-Brennauer.

bookseller: Better mask as a Lock-down

So, too, Karin Rolles of the eponymous bookstore in Penzberg sees this. The main thing is it does not come again to Lock-down. Whether a visor or a mask was not, therefore, at the Moment your main concern. The Wearing of the mask, from 9 to 18.30 is a challenge, but in the meantime, get used to you and your employees in mind. Each has found a model with which he copes, says Rolles. For some, it’s the self-stitched Community-masks, others prefer surgical masks, as Rolle himself. The aim is not convinced, however, yet.

The cashier is protected with plexiglass. “Here, one might consider whether a waiver of a mask is possible and it is only created, if you go with the customer to the shelf,” says Rolles. But it is also so.

health office: allows droplets to easily distribute

Not Stefan Günther, head of the Department of health may track Weilheim-Schongau, the demands of the BDS. The Wearing of masks is advisable in every case and could not be by face plates replaced. “Because they are on the sides and open at the bottom, do not provide adequate protection,” explains Günther. Their advantage is in comfort, good ventilation, is at the same time their disadvantage is that droplets can be spread as easily. The necessary reduction of the distribution of the virus through the respiratory air is therefore not given.

Guenther: What is reasonable for carers, must also for sellers

Also apply that the seller need not bear the whole day long masks, see Günther as a Problem. “The staff in hospitals and the care bears also permanently masks. If this is you expected, you must apply to the seller.“

information in the Live Ticker: district office does not provide specific details of the Corona cases in the district.

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