Eric Dupond-Moretti has relegated Tuesday, July 7, her dress a lawyer for the costume of the keeper of the Seals. During the transfer of power, with Nicole Belloubet, the tenor of the law society has stated that there will be a minister “of the dialogue” which can only lead to “war-person” and who “will finally reform of the prosecutor’s office” to ensure the independence of the judiciary. A message of appeasement for the magistrates concerned of the appointment. The Union of magistrates (USM), the main organization representing the judges, had denounced ” a declaration of war on the judiciary “.

During a speech concise to the paces program, Eric Dupond-Moretti has presented the main lines of its future policy. “I want to move forward on a project that I hold dear : the independence of the judiciary. I would like to be the keeper of the Seals that will finally at a congress of the reform of the prosecutor’s long-awaited “, said the former criminal defense lawyer. A challenge : for years, the matching of the magistrates of the public prosecutor’s office in the Chancellery nourishes criticisms on an alleged lack of independence of the judicial institution. But the change in their status would require passing a constitutional revision, with the agreement of the national Assembly and the Senate, in congress assembled.

also Read Nicole Belloubet leaves a ministry wonky

“The justice does not render in the street”

” My ministry will also be one of the anti-racism and Human rights “, has also promised Eric Dupond-Moretti, in the wake of recent debates about police violence and the accusations of racism within the forces of the order. The new keeper of the Seals has also highlighted the “inhumane living conditions and degrading punishment” of prisoners held in France, while ensuring the prison administration for its ” unwavering support “. He has his “first” visit of minister after the social movement of the prison guards who scored the mandate of Nicole Belloubet, and will be in the afternoon at the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne), according to a spokesman of the Chancellery.

The minister also referred to without naming the survey controversy Parquet national financier (PNF), in which several lawyers, including himself, have been bugged. “I will ensure that the preliminary investigations remain preliminary and are not to be eternal “, he said, even though this survey was spread out over six years. Éric Dupond-Moretti has also announced that it wants to lead a discussion on the presumption of innocence and the secrecy of the investigation “, involving ” journalists “. “Justice does not render in the street, or on social networks, or in the media “, he recalled.

Read also Dupond-Moretti : “quinoa and nudists in Paris, I graze ! “

writing will advise you

Coignard – Government : the lawyer who hides the forest Éric Dupond-Moretti, presumed innocent