Some Employees – for example, in laboratories, in the cleaning of buildings or in the logistics – operate more in the Background. Public guidelines, but they are just as relevant to the system. The job platform “” looked at on the basis of almost 20,000 records, the income of these “hidden” workers. The result: The remuneration is often relatively low.

Only engineers in the biotechnology crack with a Median income of 52.100 euros in the 50,000 Euro mark. Also, network administrators come off comparatively well. They ensure that the work of many corporate collapses now, by enabling, among other things, the Work in the Home Office. For this, you obtain around of 43,200 euros in the year – which corresponds exactly to the average Median annual salary of all employees in Germany.

Almost all of the secret Corona-heroes earn less than average

The other professions are all including. It also includes those who are in the fight against the Corona of a pandemic on the front lines include: technical Medical laboratory assistants and laboratory technicians, test for pathogens and conduct research in laboratories, which is currently available for the containment of the Virus is essential. With 35.100 Euro or 38.800 Euro annual salary, you might have a different impression.

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electronics engineer need to continue to work. Their annual income is around 39.400 Euro. “Digital technologies provide in this crisis situation that the operation of many businesses, schools, or authorities, can be maintained network administrators or electrical engineers play a key role,” explains Philip Bierbach, managing Director of “”.

cleaners particularly in demand and particularly bad

Also paid to the role of social workers in the crisis is essential, because the needy need in your everyday life, continue to support. Social workers get around 39.700 euros in the year. Around 1000 Euro less midwives and childbirth get nurses to care for mothers and newborns more – currently, often under difficult conditions: their content is 38.600 Euro.

  • The financial and legal consequences of the crisis in the News Ticker to the Corona Crash.

Not only in hospitals is currently expressed care in terms of Hygiene is essential, even in factories, government or office buildings, the cleaning workers are in demand now especially. In the evaluation, you will land with 28.900 Euro in the year on the penultimate place.

At least money is there to prevent in the production

“with the proliferation of viruses, we have to rely heavily on cleaners. This work is due to the increased staff reduction and outsourcing of the last few years, part of which is under poor conditions and in many cases, for a low salary“, criticized the beer stream. Make a career and a Top salary earning In PDF guide you can find all the information about career management, self-marketing and how you can increase your chances of success in a targeted manner.To the PDF guide

Even worse it looks for production helper, production and transportation of Goods can go further: With 28.200 euros, you receive the lowest salary in this evaluation. Your colleagues, who organize as a logistics provider, also delivery chains, get much more: For a year there is an average content of some 33,100 euros.

“relevance is not reflected in the content of an appropriate”

in addition to police officers security forces are also increasingly used. Both professional groups are bound by collective agreements, salaries, as well as caseworkers in job centres or health insurance companies as well as Employees in the public local and long – distance transport. Reich no one is with these Jobs well.

“There are many ‘hidden heroines and heroes act currently’ in the Background. Unfortunately, this relevance is reflected neither in the public esteem, in salary is appropriate,“ sums up the beer stream.

  • The latest developments relating to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

note : “ examined 19.569 records of professionals in the last twelve months. The salary figures are gross annual salaries in the Median on the Basis of a 40-hour working week and 28 days holiday – including variable components such as bonuses, premiums, royalties, commissions, and possible Overtime pay.

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