The Nature Conservation Association (Nabu) also failed to achieve its goal of stopping construction before the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig in the dispute over the Rügen terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG). The court confirmed a corresponding decision. Last week it had already rejected a corresponding application for legal protection from German Environmental Aid (DUH).

According to the court, the reasoning for the most recent decision largely corresponds to the reasoning for the decision on the DUH application. After a summary examination, the court stated that the approval in question rightly assumed that the gas supply crisis would continue with a view to the coming heating periods. The court also referred to the assessment of the Federal Network Agency, which saw an additional need for feed-in options for LNG.

Nabu: “Defeat for nature”

The Nabu reacted disappointedly. According to its own information, the regional association of MV had requested a construction stop, in particular to prevent dredging work on legally protected reefs. According to Nabu, damage could not be ruled out beyond doubt.

State managing director Rica Münchberger criticized: “Overall, the decision leads to a defeat for nature. The federal government’s rush to accelerate has a serious impact on legal protection in proceedings like this one.”

The lawsuit was directed against the approval of the first sea section of the connecting pipeline to the planned terminal. The line, which is around 50 kilometers long in total, is intended to connect the terminal in Mukran in the north of Rügen with the gas pipeline junction in Lubmin. As in the case of the DUH, the lawsuit itself has not been decided with the rejection of the urgent application. There is also a lawsuit from the municipality of Binz including an urgent application in Leipzig.

According to the federal government, the terminal should be ready for operation by next winter. She considers the terminal in Mukran to be necessary, citing energy security. Critics, on the other hand, speak of unneeded excess capacity and see the environment and tourism, which is important for Rügen, at risk.