Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) sees the new funding for heating replacement under the Building Energy Act on the right track. He expects a significant increase in funding applications at the end of May. “The number of applications increased again clearly in April. All applications so far could be approved immediately, and the applicants had the certainty within minutes that their new heating could be funded,” Habeck told the “Rheinische Post”.

According to his ministry, 21,000 applicants received a funding commitment as of April 30th for the heating funding that was restarted at the end of February. This amounts to a funding volume of 300 million euros. “The funding, especially for heat pumps, is being accepted more and more, said Habeck. Anyone who installs climate-friendly heating can receive “comprehensive and improved funding” for it.

“We expect another significant increase from the end of May, because then applications for owner-occupiers in apartment buildings and homeowners’ associations will begin and will be extended to all other applicant groups in August,” the Economics Minister added. He also expects the construction industry to continue to rise as the construction industry recovers Demand.

A week ago, the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry presented figures for the first quarter. Accordingly, sales of heat pumps fell by 52 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023. The association sees consumer uncertainty as the main reason for the overall decline in sales of heating systems. The federal government’s goal of 500,000 heat pumps this year, supported by industry and trade, is becoming a long way off. The association estimates that fewer than 200,000 heat pumps will be sold this year.