The mechanical engineering industry in Germany is sounding the alarm in view of the skyrocketing energy prices. “Numerous companies are having acute problems being offered or being able to conclude new energy contracts for electricity and gas,” said Karl Haeusgen, President of the Association of German Machine and Plant Manufacturers (VDMA). “Some medium-sized machine builders see themselves exposed to incalculable risks outside their core business.”
Unlike in the private customer sector, there is no mandatory basic supply for companies from an energy provider. High levels of uncertainty and extreme price spikes in the electricity market made utilities extremely risk-averse.
In addition, the VMDA called for a temporary electricity price cap. This is temporarily a suitable instrument “when a market has been disrupted by speculators and external shocks, which is currently the case”.
It was only on Monday that the electronics industry called on politicians to temporarily reduce VAT on the price of electricity and decouple it from the price of gas. Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck wants to curb prices for consumers and industry with a reform of the electricity market. It is planned to decouple the development of end customer prices for electricity from gas prices.