Economic sentiment in the euro area improved in April. The economic indicator collected by the analysis institute Sentix rose by 2.4 points to minus 8.7 points compared to the previous month, as Sentix announced on Tuesday in Frankfurt. Analysts had expected an index value of minus 10.1 points.

The assessment of the current situation improved significantly, and the corresponding index value rose for the sixth consecutive month to minus 4.3 points, the highest level since March 2022.

In contrast, the economic expectations of the financial participants surveyed stagnated in April. “The Euroland economy can continue to recover at the beginning of April,” commented Sentix on the results of the survey. The major upheavals feared as a result of the gas and electricity price crisis in Europe did not materialize this winter.

The economic indicator from Sentix is ​​based on a survey of 1300 investors, 244 of them institutional investors. It is comparable with the ZEW economic expectations. Analysts attach importance to the survey because it is published early in the month under review and can therefore provide clues to other indicators such as the Ifo business climate.
