The accompanying scientific investigation by the end of 2018, an assessment of the pilot project, evidence that the load of the air with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter have significantly can be reduced, informed the Ministry of transport on Thursday. “The air filter pillars in Stuttgart Neckartor not contribute significantly to the way that this measuring station is now one of the highest-stress measuring stations in Germany”, said Minister Winfried Hermann (Green). “For me, this is a great success.”

columns to filter a variety of pollutants from the air

the report from the Ludwigsburg-based filter specialist Mann+Hummel has set up the 23 pillars also was Published. In addition to the country, the city of Stuttgart was also involved in the project. According to the study, was achieved in the case of nitrogen dioxide, a reduction of 9 percent of the load, in the case of respirable dust by more than 10 percent.

The filter columns are only a part of a whole series of measures intended to press the NO2 concentration in Stuttgart, in total under the EU limit. In addition, there are driving bans, even for the more modern Diesel cars, of which Stuttgart is, however, nationwide, an exception, a special road covering, a bus lane has been set up.
