All the students in the 6. the classes in the city of Copenhagen offered the hpv vaccination at school, writes Berlingske.

the Municipality of Copenhagen is introducing hpv-vaccination in all schools.

It writes Berlingske.

All the students in the 6. the classes in the municipality are now being offered to be vaccinated at school.

It says acting sundhedsborgmester in the city of Copenhagen, Klaus Mygind (SF), to the newspaper.

Students in the 6. classes in Copenhagen will soon get the message via their parents ‘ e-Box. Thus the Municipality the first in Denmark to offer students to be hpv-vaccinated at the school.

the Goal is to protect them against cervical cancer and other types of cancer.

– There are a few who are vaccinated in Copenhagen, says My.

– of course, It is important that parents take the responsibility here, but the schools can also push on with the knowledge and good teaching, which can be taken in the context of vaccination and to get people to take a stand and act.

– Also, can the school have an eye for that maybe there are some children, who might need to have an extra hand to be vaccinated, he says.

the Offer in Copenhagen comes in extension of a pilot project. Here, the students of four schools in the municipality the opportunity to be hpv-vaccinated in school.

145 pupils in the 6. the classes were according to Berlingske the offer. And 26 got the first vaccine and 20 also the other, shows an inventory.

In the extended scheme, all pupils in the 6. class the offer in march and september 2020, writes Berlingske.
