They were closed since 16 march, the date of the beginning of the confinement in France put in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The universities will be able to finally re-open in September and accommodate students for the next school year, announced Thursday the ministry of higher Education. “Wearing a mask in the halls of lessons is strongly recommended,” said the ministry, by publishing a circular which should allow universities and schools to “accommodate the greatest number of students, in compliance with the safety instructions” from September.

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After the déconfinement initiated on 11 may, the schools were gradually reopened their doors in France, but those of the higher, with 74 universities, remained closed to prevent a spread of the epidemic. According to the ministerial circular, the health situation can enact today instructions “more flexible” even if it requires the ” maintenance of a vigilance justified by the traffic which is always present in the virus.”

New protocol

“We are working hand in hand with the institutions to put in place at the start of the school policies that protect the virus from teachers, staff and students while enabling them to meet, by favouring as much as possible the face-to-face,” commented the minister of higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, quoted in a press release.

With this new protocol, rules of distanciation, one metre between each student, or to a seat left vacant in confined spaces, must be complied with. When this is not physically possible, the wearing of the mask will be “mandatory” and will also be in “any circumstances” in libraries. Confined spaces must be ventilated twice a day “and the movement of students shall be regulated so as to avoid the” combinations and crosses too important “. The gauge of the amphitheatres will thus have to be ” adapted “.

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This protocol eased apply in institutions, campuses, residences and university restaurants, but may be questioned in case of resumption of the epidemic that could lead to “reconfinements localized,” warns the ministry. In this perspective, the circular encourages the universities to foresee measures for a “pedagogic continuity” through teaching online.