the race for The vaccine continues. This Saturday, 15 August, Moscow has been found to have produced its first batch of vaccine against the coronavirus. “The first batch of the new vaccine against the coronavirus research centre Gamaleïa was produced “, said in a press release the ministry of Health of Russian, as is revealed by several news agencies in russia. Tuesday already, Vladimir Putin is excited by the discovery of the first vaccine is ” effective enough “. A vaccine registered in Russia by the centre for research in epidemiology and microbiology Nikolai Gamaleïa, Moscow, in partnership with the Russian ministry of Defence.

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Vladimir Putin had said that one of his daughters was done to inoculate the vaccine, named “Sputnik V” (V as a vaccine), in reference to the soviet satellite, the first spacecraft placed in orbit in 1957, in the midst of the cold war. Western researchers have, however, cast doubt on this announcement, some even arguing that a vaccine developed from hasty way could be dangerous, while the final phase of testing has just started this week. The director of the centre Gamaleïa, Alexander Guintsbourg, said Saturday at the TASS agency that the volunteers taking part in the last phase of the test would receive two inoculations.

The beginning of the industrial production expected for September

The sovereign wealth fund Russian involved in the development of the vaccine has stated that the beginning of the industrial production was expected in September, and more than a billion doses had been pre-ordered by 20 foreign countries. Since the beginning of the research, the institute Gamaleïa, however, is accused of breaking with the usual protocols to accelerate the scientific process. And so far, Russia has not released a detailed study to independently verify his results.

Read also Coronavirus : Putin assures that Russia has developed the “first” vaccine, named it “Sputnik V”

the Russian minister of Health, Mikhail Mourachko, said this week that the vaccine would first be available for caregivers, and then for all Russian volunteers. With more than 917, 000 cases confirmed officially, Russia is currently in the fourth rank of the most affected countries in the world by the epidemic, after the United States, Brazil and India.

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Vaccine Russian : “This is a disgrace, nothing has been done in the rules ! “