Amazon has launched a new Trade-In program. To do this, you can no longer needed Fire TVs, Kindle Fire Tablets and Echo-devices money. But the prices are anything other than appealing. Even for relatively expensive devices, such as a Fire HD 10 the previous generation, Amazon pays a maximum of 25 Euro Amazon voucher. And for a fully functional device. For a Kindle, there are 15 euros, for a current Echo Dot 5 euros, and for a Fire TV Stick for just 99 cents. On eBay and other selling platforms you for all of the devices easily to a higher sale price. Inside mobile phone discount if you buy a new evaluates the offer on the

in Addition to the Amazon voucher, you will receive the Amazon Trade-In program a discount on the purchase of the respective product category. In the case of Fire TV, Kindle Fire Tablets, there is a 20 percent discount. In the case of Echo devices and even 25 percent. In the deal, Amazon sells these devices, however, regularly with similar or even higher discounts. Also here you can save only when you immediately get a new one make want to or need to.

  • the price for my device Inside cell phone Amazon Trade check-In program is ideal for broken devices

in addition to perfectly functioning devices you can Amazon Trade-In program also defective devices one chicken. Accessories must not be sent with. Although the purchase price in this case is even less, the 20-25 per cent discount on the new purchase, however, there are still. For Fire Tablets, and Kindles, there is usually a 5 Euro Amazon voucher and 20 percent on the new purchase. In the case of Echo and Fire TV Hardware and the amount of the voucher differs, often not even from the functioning of the devices. Here, too, however, you can an additional 20 to 25 percent discount. Inside mobile phone

If you’re flirting anyway with a new purchase, is the Amazon Trade-In program here is ideal. Since the Amazon Hardware is relatively bad repair, and also the most expensive technical devices on the market, the sale prices are for defective units is very low. Often, you stay in your seat even on the devices and need to let her dispose of it. To secure via the Amazon Trade-In program, 20 to 25 percent discount on the new purchase, here is a welcome opportunity.

Unfortunately, not all of the devices in Amazon’s Trade-In program

Unfortunately, you can’t every Amazon Hardware in a coupon and discount at the best. So all of the Echo Show devices and even some Tablets and Kindles of the latest Generation are missing, for example. On this page you can check whether your device is.

  • My device

This article was written by Timo Brauer

*The contribution of “Outrageous prices at Amazon’s Trade-In program: you can still benefit” will be released by Inside Digital. check Contact with the executives here.

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