The health situation is not improving in Mayenne. The prefect of the department has launched a new appeal to the vigilance on Tuesday. New foci of contamination were detected. They primarily affect businesses and people who are vulnerable or in precarious structures, social or medico-social. The prefect has forbidden, since Monday, the ” gatherings of more than 10 people “. “You know how many rallies can be propagators “, he noted.

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According to the director of the regional agency of health (ARS) of the Countries of the Loire, Jean-Jacques Coiplet, 15 clusters (or foci) have, to date, been identified in Mayenne, whose “9 are in the course of the investigation,” said the head during a videoconference press. These clusters are mainly for the corporate world ” and ” social structures “, in particular the “social venues that cater to people in precarious or vulnerable,” said the prefect, Jean-Didier Treffel.

Port of the mask mandatory in some centres-cities

The clusters have been found in a structure of the asylum request, a structure of social accommodation, a religious community, all in Laval, as well as a shelter to Evron and a business in Azay. The prefect has also decided Monday, in addition to the government measures of wearing a mask in enclosed areas, to make the mask mandatory on the public highway in the city centres of the four municipalities in the department : Laval, Mayenne, Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne and Évron. And this, ” given the situation in Mayenne “, he said.

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“In the city center, it is more complicated to comply with, in this period of the year, the gestures of distancing physical,” noted Jean-Didier Treffel. With regard to the figures, the positivity rate on 100 tests decreased slightly since the last point : it amounted to 3 %, according to health authorities, compared to 3.8 on July 24. On 18 July, it was 3.2. The prefect has reminded ” all those who have planned to go on vacation it is essential to get tested to be safe to be negative, in centres free of charge in open access “.