The risk of strikes at German airports has fallen significantly over the Easter holidays. In the collective bargaining dispute for the approximately 25,000 employees of private aviation security providers, the Verdi union and the employers have agreed on arbitration.

The process, led by the former Bremen Finance State Councilor Hans-Henning Lühr (SPD), is scheduled to begin on Friday, April 5th and end on Sunday, April 7th at the latest, as the union and the employers’ association BDLS announced. The recommendation is not binding for both sides. Verdi is not allowed to call for a strike until the end of the arbitration. Both sides want to keep quiet about the interim status and the location of the negotiations.

“Further strikes ruled out”

“With this agreement, further strikes are ruled out, at least in our industry, on the Easter weekend and in the holiday week afterwards,” explained BDLS negotiator Frank Haindl.

A few days ago, Verdi described arbitration as the last resort to a solution. Warning strikes by aviation security staff have temporarily paralyzed various German airports in several waves in recent weeks. The staff employed by private service providers checks passengers, staff and luggage at the entrances to the security area on behalf of the Federal Police.

The sticking point in the negotiations for the approximately 25,000 employees is primarily the surcharges for overtime. Verdi is demanding 2.80 euros more wages per hour, higher functional bonuses and overtime bonuses from the first overtime hour with a term of the collective agreement of twelve months. According to their own statements, the employers recently offered 3.25 euros per hour for a term of 24 months with effect after 12 months.

Further tariff conflicts in air transport

In addition to aviation security, there are currently other tariff conflicts in air transport. At Lufthansa, arbitration for ground staff has been underway since Monday after several rounds of warning strikes. Results should be available here on Thursday. Lufthansa’s flight attendants have also already gone on strike for higher salaries, with no solution yet apparent. In addition, pilots and cabin crew from the Lufthansa subsidiary Discover are demanding an initial tariff rating for the young airline.