
  • families receive for each child 300 euros – but not a shock
  • The start date for the children bonus is The 300 Euro is not yet known
  • Extra money does not help but all families who are from the Corona the help of nothing
  • the continued payment of wages was expanded

parents will soon receive fresh money from the state. The stimulus package planned to extra payment for families with children “in all probability” in three Installments in the amount of 100 Euro paid. The Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD) said on Thursday in Berlin.

Every month, 100 Euro extra the children’s money

According to your information, it is planned to have the payment processed through the monthly child benefit payment. “Then money would be on the account statement for the Children, not the 204 euros, but about three months 304 Euro.”

when the children of the bonus is to be disbursed, remains unclear. This will be clarified in the next few hours or days, said Giffey. The children’s bonus Overview

  • Unique 300 Euro per child
  • payment in three Instalments in the amount of 100 Euro
  • payment is handled via a monthly child benefit payment
  • starts exactly when payment to families, it is still unclear
  • families with high income do not benefit to be observed by the children bonus

income: Children’s bonus does not all of something

families with one child and a taxable annual income from 86.000 Euro bonus the Federal government does not benefit from the planned Children. The calculations of the German tax-paying institution of the Federal government of the taxpayer for the düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. From this income the amount of the child’s allowance is more favourable than the 300-Euro Bonus increased child support, the Institute. With a Smartphone in the Corona-crisis: how to protect your children on the Internet!

Tiktok, YouTube, and Gamble without end: Many children and adolescents spend since the start of the Corona-crisis even more time on the Internet. Digital coach Daniel Wolff explains in the Webinar on 15.06.20 from 19 to 20.15 PM, what are the dangers of the.

example: Who is the child bonus is nothing

brings A family with two children would not benefit, therefore, from a taxable annual income of 90,000 euros from the children’s bonus. Because the coalition wants to settle the Bonus with the children’s tax amount, the rule, better-off families use.

  • read also: 300 Euro Bonus are “drops on a hot stone” – it takes now a children’s income?

But The family bonus to be social, because he would not be charged with the basic security Minister Giffey. At the same time, families with high income would not be ripped-off, because the Bonus will be credited to the tax-free amount. The child bonus is a part of the 130 billion-dollar economic stimulus package, the Federal government had agreed late on Wednesday evening.

German children’s aid criticised children’s bonus as a “salami tactic”

The German children’s aid has been the Federal government’s planned children’s bonus one-time payment of 300 Euro per child as a “drop on the hot stone” criticized. For the Federal head of the children’s aid, Rainer Becker, is “salami tactics to get people to sedate her”.

read also: Opening of day-care centres and schools – Giffey operation to the Normal school: “and Then 1.5-Meter-to keep the distance rule

For those who have really needed it,” will change with the money, said Becker of the German press Agency. In the other it was a nice gesture. With the money in the amount of more than four billion euros, something could have been done more. Becker talked about the equipment of schools with computer technology.

economic stimulus package should also. day-care centres continue to support

Federal Minister for family Affairs, Giffey said, the stimulus package provides additional funds for the Expansion of day-care centres and full-day care in schools For the day-care centre Expansion additional one billion Euro will be provided. Thus, the creation of 90,000 additional day-care places is possible. Alternatively, the funds could also be used for retrofit measures to improve the hygiene situation. FOCUS Online provides you with the most exciting Reports from the parents. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

the continued payment of wages for parents in the Corona-crisis

The longer the continued payment of wages for parents in the Corona-crisis is a done deal. After the Bundestag, the Bundesrat, approved on Friday:

  • parents who take care of because of the pandemic, their children, and can not work, can make your related loss of Earnings in the future, 10 instead of 6 weeks of claim.
  • For Single-parent families, the period is extended to 20 weeks. To be paid 67 per cent of the net income, however, a maximum of 2.016 Euro per month.

At the same time, the compensation is extended to employees who help the needy people with a disability, care for or maintain. For example, parents can benefit from adult children with a disability, if the care facilities, workshops, or Day-care centers corona are due to be closed.

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Angela Merkel has criticism back

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) rejects the criticism that the stimulus package offer in addition to the 300 Euro is too little for families who are in need of especially open day-care centres, reliable education and digital better targeted schools. “We have five components are with the families,” she said on Thursday evening in the ARD.

such as the improvement of the Tax deduction for lone parents belong to in addition to the Bonus. Thirdly, the all-day care, will be expanded faster. The kindergarten program will also be developed faster, and in the digital Pact school they wanted to pay, for example, system administrators

to More VAT and wage rate

  • wage rate for parents and tax: Federal Council decides today about it
  • VAT: As you now from the VAT.-Reduction in benefit – and save money
  • Federal Council pension adjustment by waving – Now officially retired from July, more than 50 Euro

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