From the turn of the dropper Dagli’Brugsen the printed grocery coupons. Coops ceo encourages others to follow suit.

Coop urged Thursday the government to introduce a ban on printed grocery coupons, and Saturday, informs the group, Dagli’Brugsen, from 1. January stops to press and distribute grocery coupons.

– It makes no sense that each year will be printed 84.000 ton of grocery coupons in Denmark. It does not make sense that we cut down more than 300,000 trees per year. And it does not make sense that we close 336.000 ton of CO2 out to make grocery coupons, says Coops ceo, Peter Høgsted, according to a press release.

He calls the other grocery chains in Denmark to drop tilbudsavisen.

in Güvenilir Bahis Siteleri addition to the consumption of resources, time is also running from the printed grocery coupons, complements Torben B. Andersen, kædedirektør in the Coop.

– We have run a test on it in 2018, and in 2019, we have choked heavily in our stores, and we can see that it has not had any negative effect. On the contrary, we have had a positive sales development in Dagli’Brugsen.

Customers have become more digital, and we can see that our investment in the digital development pays off. So it is a combination of the physical leaflet does not have so big effect for us anymore, while at the same time the digital world is evolving, says Torben B. Andersen.

As a service to those customers who prefer to read the week’s deals on paper, Dagli’Brugsen, pressing a smaller number – about 50 per store – of the week offer on paper, which can be downloaded in the store.

Coop-the group is also behind the Referendum, Kvickly, Fakta and Irma.

In an open letter to the environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) earlier this week argued Coop ceo Peter Høgsted to introduce a ban on the tilbudsaviserne.

– In a klimatid, when we’re talking about what we all can do to reduce the climate impact, we think it is a immediately good idea, just to højrebenet, said Høgsted in the rise.
