Consumers in Germany will have to dig deeper into their pockets for their favorite drink. Market leader Tchibo is reacting to higher world market prices and rising costs and is adjusting the prices for roasted coffee, as the company announced.

“Last year, many costs continued to rise, including for green coffee,” it said. “In order to continue to offer our customers the usual high Tchibo quality, we now also have to act. We hesitated for a long time,” said Tchibo spokesman Arnd Liedtke. As of April 15th, prices are to be increased by between 50 cents and 1 euro per pound, depending on the variety and country of origin.

Tchibo is usually the only provider to report on its pricing and is considered a signal generator in the industry. The retail group sells its products directly to end consumers through its own branches and depots as well as online and can therefore also set its final prices. Other coffee roasters deliver their products to food retailers, who in turn set the final prices. However, trading companies are reluctant to comment on their selling prices for coffee, and Tchibo’s competition is also tight-lipped when it comes to prices.

Tchibo last increased coffee prices in February 2022. At that time, coffee beans of the Arabica variety, which is particularly popular in this country and accounts for more than half of international production, had risen to a ten-year high. Since then they have fallen temporarily, but have been rising noticeably again since autumn last year. For February, the International Coffee Organization ICO reported in its latest market report an average price of just under 182 US cents for green coffee per US pound (454 grams). The average for the past twelve months was 167 US cents.