More banks send uncritically new key card without checking id on the order, writes the Engineer.

Several people experience that it is easy for scammers to get access to their NemID key card, writes the Engineer.

According to the medium has a number of people experienced that the scammers have called their bank and released to be the case. Subsequently, the bank has posted a new NemID key card to the scammer.

the Engineer writes on the basis of information from the Finance of Denmark, that in the years has been a minimum of six persons, who have experienced the kind of situations.

And last year there must have been “even more”, informs Finance of Denmark, which is the organization for the financial sector in Denmark.

After discovering the problem, the Engineer has Marsbahis with a number of clients knowledgeable called Arbejdernes Landsbank, and five other Danish banks to order new key card.

Arbejdernes Landsbank sent a new key card, as soon as the Engineer gave up a social security number. Also Jutlander Bank sent a new card, if only the bank had a social security number.

Even worse, it looks for clients at Sydbank, and Mercury Savings bank, which sent the new key card home to the customers, without the Engineer have to give up an address. The enlightened banks, even in the phone.

so any scammers that know where they would fish the new key card up out of the mailbox.

Banks ‘lenient dealings with the customers’ NemID key card sets – if misused – the additional so-called two-factor identification out of the function.

It makes it simpler for the it-savvy scammers to take over their victims ‘ identity.

– If you inherit NemID, you have committed the ultimate identity theft in Denmark, says Jacob Herbst, co-owner of a security company Dubex, to the Engineer.

He calls to look the security of NemID in the market for an update.

The four banks, which indiscriminately sent key card, underlines all over for the Engineer, that it is contrary to their guidelines.

At the Finance Denmark sounds, that in the whole of the NemID service life has been fully focused on avoiding the scammers can be sent to others is the key card.

And fortunately, we therefore also only a handful of cases in the year in which it is managed, says Michael Busk-Jepsen, digitaliseringsdirektør in Finance Denmark, in a comment to Ritzau.

He stresses that it is still important that the banks constitute a strong bulwark against the type of fraud.

– It is therefore once again been implored for all banks that they must comply with the agreed identifikationspraksis, among other things, involves the control issues in connection with the calls.

– And that is what we expect, of course, that the banks live up to, says Michael Busk-Jepsen.
