Which were shown to humanity in its finest form in the village of Laurbjerg Saturday morning, where a hedge was cut.

An anonymous letter in which a man is called ‘botnakke’ not to have clipped his hedge. It sounds like the beginning of a tiresome nabostrid, but it is fortunately not.

instead, it is the introduction to a wonderful story about charity. For it was shown much of in the village of Laurbjerg Saturday. It writes TV2 east Jutland.

the Story starts with Anders Schildt, who resides at Elmevej in the city, writes the following in the local group on Facebook:

‘I’m writing here since I cannot answer anonymous letters. Have got an anonymous letter, where I get called botnakke! It is about hækkeklipning. It is too big and needs to be rearranged, but as I’m a tank, powers I am not right now to get it done. It is therefore not in bad will, and it is not everyone who can just pay himself out of the situation.’

The first reactions to the advertisement was contempt for the sender of the anonymous letter, which got a lot of harsh words on the road. And so thought Anders Schildt otherwise, it would be by it.

When I got the letter, I thought, what is this? I know that my hedge has become too large, but I do not have the power to fix it. So I was glad that the people also believed that the letter was wrong, he says to TV2 Østjylland, and continues:

And so I thought like that it would die there, but suddenly wrote a, if we should not get the stern.

It was the prelude to that more and more went together to get the problem out of the world.

One offered to come with a trailer to haveaffaldet, a offered to come with soft drinks for the working people and would grilling sausages.

All of the volunteers agreed to meet on Saturday at 8.30 to begin the work of cutting the hedge. And they did so.

– There were about 10 adults plus little children, who worked hard from the early morning, and an hour and a half later they were finished, and there are now neat and tidy, tells a touched Anders Schildt.

– I am very surprised by Betboo the charity, people have shown towards me after the advertisement. It is almost like a whole julefilm, where the good wins over the evil. I have gone from being trampled to be totally blown away, it sounds far from Anders Schildt.

One of those who turned up to cut the hedge, was Jonas Sloth, who had taken her children with.

– I thought that it was unfair the way Donald had been treated. It is much easier to help each other, and in a small town like Laurbjerg, we must hold together, he says to TV2 Østjylland.

at the same time, he says, that it has been a good way to get to know each other on.

– And I took my children with, so there is little learning for those in humanity. They’ve almost been looking forward all week to having to cut the hedge, laughs Jonas Sloth.

So what started as a trælst anonymous letter, ended with that have a happy ending.